Not a Great Night: Dee Snider (Missed His Set)/Dokken/Warrant Concert Review
- Date of Concert: August 25, 2018
- Location of Concert: The Rose Music Center at The Heights in Huber Heights, OH
I was sooooo looking forward to this show.
Dee Snider of Twisted Sister recently released a PHENOMENAL solo album called For The Love Of Metal, which may be my album of the year, and I found out he, Dokken and Warrant (two bands I had yet to see) were playing a show together.
Well I had to go.
My best friend went with me and we met another friend of ours there.
The show started out fine.
Warrant played first, and I must say, even without singer Jani Lane (R.I.P.), they are still awesome.
Singer Robert Mason sings these songs very well and the rest of the band (all original members, guitarists Erik Turner and Joey Allen, bassist Jerry Dixon and drummer Steven Sweet) is tight and rocking.
They’re still putting out great new albums too.
Great set.
Then Dokken took the stage and they were really good too.
They are one of my favorites, and being able to see classic members, singer Don Dokken and drummer “Wild” Mick Brown, was quite a treat.
Their guitarist Jon Levin plays George Lynch’s guitar parts perfectly, and bassist Chris McCarvill is solid as a rock.
Now, after Dokken’s set, this is when the night basically ends for us.
My best friend unfortunately had a health crisis (I’m not going into detail) and so we had to take him to the hospital.
All ended up being OK thank goodness (again I’m not giving any details because it’s not my place to say it), but we ended up missing Dee’s set.
I’ll just say this: If you’re going to drink, drink responsibly. And if you can’t, DON’T!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dokken Set List:
- Kiss Of Death
- The Hunter
- Into The Fire
- Dream Warriors
- Breaking The Chains
- Alone Again
- In My Dreams
- Tooth And Nail
Warrant Set List:
- Sure Feels Good To Me
- Down Boys
- D.R.F.S.R.
- Louder Harder Faster
- Heaven
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- Cherry Pie
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