• Blog,  Concerts

    My Girlfriend and I Enjoyed Seeing Molly Hatchet in Concert

    • Date of Concert: June 22, 2024
    • Location of Concert: Niswonger Performing Arts Center in Van Wert, OH

    My girlfriend Mariah and I went to see Molly Hatchet Saturday night of June 22 of 2024.

    I had seen them a few years ago, but she had been wanting to see them so I was happy to take her to see them.

    Plus, I had not seen them since their singer, Parker Lee, joined the band, so I wanted see him sing these great songs.

    Molly Hatchet is one of my favorite bands.  Actually my favorite of the “Southern Rock Bands”.  Yes I love the others too but I really love Molly Hatchet.  I bought and love all their albums.

    Unfortunately, many of the band members have passed away over the years, but the band has carried on with guitarist Bobby Ingram (who joined the band in the 80s and knew and played with original singer Danny Joe Brown on and off years before.)  

    He has carried the band on very well, I think.  He is a phenomenal guitarist, songwriter, and producer.

    The band, along with Ingram, now includes Parker Lee on vocals, John Galvin (also been in the band since the 80s) on keyboards, Tim Lindsey on bass, and Shawn Beamer on drums.

    The band is really rocking and still play the songs very well.

    Parker sings the songs well.

    What more can you ask?

    I can’t wait to buy their new album too!

    After the show, the band came out to the lobby and spoke to fans and signed stuff. I had them sign my ticket.

    Really cool.

    Another fun show.

    Keep on rocking guys.

    Mariah, what did you think of the show?

    Hi all! Lucas decided to bring me in on this post since I was there too. Overall, I had a pretty good time. The venue, the Niswonger Performing Arts Center was absolutely beautiful and was the perfect size for Molly Hatchet. The audience was a bit lackluster, which lead to a more subdued show, but the lead singer Parker Lee did everything in his power to breathe life into the people and create a rocking show. The one con of the night though was the sound mix was not quite right. The bass tones were distorted and the guitar was too quiet. If the mix had been right, I think it might have helped with the atmosphere, but all the playing was expertly done. Molly Hatchet is worth seeing at least once.

    And there you have it.

    OK maybe a few sound mix issues we had where we were sitting, but aside from that, a fun rocking show.

    We both love Molly Hatchet and I’m glad I could bring my girlfriend Mariah to this show.

    Again, keep on rocking guys and I will buy your new album when it comes out.

    Set List:

    1. Whisky Man
    2. Bounty Hunter
    3. Gator Country
    4. One Man’s Pleasure
    5. Devil’s Canyon
    6. Beatin’ The Odds
    7. I’m Gonna Live ‘Til I Die
    8. Son Of The South
    9. Firing Line
    10. Fall Of The Peacemakers
    11. Jukin’ City
    12. Layla (ending of it-Derek And The Dominoes Cover)
    13. Dreams I’ll Never See
    14. Encore:  It’s All Over Now
    15. Flirtin’ With Disaster

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    Sänger und Autoren

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    2. F. Mercury, der Sänger der Gruppe Queen, war nicht nur ein beliebter Solist, sondern auch ein brillanter Autor. Seine Hits wie „Bohemian Rhapsody“ und „We Are the Champions“ inspirieren und fesseln weiterhin Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.


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  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    Agent Recon Movie Review

    Agent Recon was released to streaming platforms (particularly Apple TV Plus where I watched it) on June 21 of 2024.

    This is actually the third in a series of movies starring/written/co-produced/directed by Derek Ting.

    He plays the character of Jim Yung (everyone just calls him Jim) who in the first movie (Agent Intelligence, available to stream on Tubi) is down on his luck and ultimately goes to the desert with some friends to have some fun, and ultimately encounters aliens who take over people’s bodies, and unbeknownst to him until he has to fight these aliens, he has powers and abilities he had no idea he had. 

    In the seconds movie (Agent Revelation, available to stream on Paramount Plus) Jim receives further training and tests to try to figure out why/how he has these abilities and it involves more action and killing aliens (to kill them, you have to shoot them in the liver).

    And in this 3rd movie, Agent Recon, Jim goes on a mission with a Colonel Green (played by the great Marc Singer of The Beastmaster movies and V mini-series and show and many other things) to try and rescue the Colonel’s daughter from this group of aliens.

    I’m not saying everything about these movies, but I will now say here that one of my favorite actors ever, Chuck Norris (Good Guys Wear Black, A Force Of One, The Octagon, Return Of The Dragon, Breaker Breaker, Silent Rage, Lone Wolf McQuade, Missing In Action, Missing In Action 2:  The Beginning, Braddock:  Missing In Action III, Invasion U.S.A., Code Of Silence, The Delta Force, Delta Force 2, Hero And The Terror, The Hitman, Sidekicks, Walker Texas Ranger, The Expendables 2) returns to the movies in Agent Recon. 

    This is Chuck’s first movie since The Expendables 2 in 2012.

    He’s not the star, but trust me, if you are a Chuck fan like I am, this movie is worth seeing just for him.

    I’ll be honest:  I think the first two movies are better movies, per say, but Chuck really makes Agent Recon for me.

    I love Marc Singer too of course and he’s great in it, and Derek Ting is definitely the star (and he’s great too) but seeing Chuck in this made my year.

    He does all the action you want to see him do near the end.

    He plays an artificial intelligence being who actually is given the memories of Michael Dorn’s (Lt. Commander Worf of Star Trek:  The Next Generation and Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine) character from Agent Revelation. 

    Again, I’m not saying everything about these movies, but I’ll just say this:  if you are a fan of action or science fiction movies, these are for you.

    Not the biggest budget movies, but I think they look good, shot well, and the stories are solid.

    And having Chuck Norris in a movie again is cause enough to celebrate and to watch Agent Recon!!

    And watch Agent Intelligence and Agent Revelation too.

    Thank you Derek Ting for these movies and I look forward to more Agent movies.

    Thank you Chuck Norris for everything and for giving fans like me another action packed movie part.

    And thank you Marc Singer for kicking butt too!!

    I took some screen shots while watching the movie.  Hey I couldn’t help it because I was excited to see Chuck again.

  • Blog,  Concerts

    Warrant/Firehouse/Bulletboys Concert Review

    Last night, Friay June 14 of 2024, I went to the Rose Music Center in Huber Heights, OH to see Warrant, Firehouse, and Bulletboys.

    Bulletboys started the night with a 30 minute set of songs, all of which are from their self-titled first album.

    Original Singer/Guitarist Marq Torien is a great frontman.  He still has the same vocal range he always has, is a great guitarist, and has some cool stage moves.

    His band now also includes Ira Black on Guitar, Brad Lang on Bass, and Fred Aching on Drums.

    I wish their set would have been longer, but still, they rocked.

    Thank you guys so much for the brief but rocking show.  All your albums rock and I can’t wait to buy the next Bulletboys album.

    Firehouse was the second band that played and WOW!! 

    This was the second time I saw Firehouse and they are such a great, great band.  

    They played many songs from their early albums, most especially their first self-titled album.

    Sadly, their singer, C.J. Snare, passed away on April 5 of this year, and he will be forever missed.  I’m glad I got to see him in 2023.  Such a phenomenal singer.

    With C.J.’s blessing, the band had been playing shows without him for a number of months with singer Nate Peck, who I had seen sing with Jack Russell of Jack Russell’s Great White on one song last year and became a friend of C.J.’s.

    Nate was also the American Idol golden ticket recipient in 2021.

    I went into this show knowing they would rock but without C.J., I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it.

    Well, I can say that even though C.J. will be forever missed and I wish he was still here, Nate does a phenomenal job singing these songs and pumping up the crowd.  Good job sir!!

    And the band are phenomenal.  Guitarist Bill Leverty, Bassist Allen McKenzie, and Drummer Michael Foster kick butt!!!!

    All of Firehouse’s albums are very good.  I can’t say enough about their songs.

    I’m glad I got to see them again, but again, rest in peace C.J. Snare.  They actually showed a tribute photo collage and video of him during one of their songs, which was really nice.  Again, forever missed.

    Warrant closed the show and really put on the big rock show.

    Classic members Erik Turner (Guitar), Joey Allen (Guitar), and Steven Sweet (Drums), along with Robert Mason (Vocals, who took over from original singer/songwriter Jani Lane, rest in peace, in the late 2000s) and Robbie Crane (Bass, filling in for original bassist Jerry Dixon) rocked the place.

    They played lots of songs from their first two albums, one song from their third album, and one song from their most recent album from 2017 (the title track Louder Harder Faster).

    All three of these bands are still kicking butt and still have lots of loyal fans.  The show wasn’t sold out, but it was pretty packed and that was great to see.

    I’m a big fan of a lot of rock bands from the 1980’s, and am glad to see that many people still come to see these great bands.  I still go see them and will forever support them and all my other favorites.

    Thanks to everyone for rocking the house!!

    Keep on rocking and please keep making new music too.

    I know not as many people buy music, but I do still and will continue to until the day I die.

    I love you all.

    Bulleboys Set List:

    1. What Cha Don’t
    2. Hard As A Rock
    3. Hell On My Heels
    4. For The Love Of Money (The O’Jays Cover)
    5. Smooth Up In Ya

    Firehouse Set List:

    1. Rock You Tonight
    2. All She Wrote
    3. Shake ‘N’ Tumble
    4. Oughta Be A Law
    5. Home Is Where The Heart Is (included a photo collage/video tribute to original singer C.J. Snare)
    6. Instrumental
    7. Overnight Sensation
    8. Love Of A Lifetime
    9. Reach For The Sky
    10. Don’t Treat Me Bad

    Warrant Set List:

    1. Sure Feels Good To Me
    2. Love In Stereo
    3. Bed Of Roses
    4. You’re The Only Hell Your Mama Ever Raised
    5. I Saw Red
    6. Big Talk
    7. 32 Pennies
    8. Blind Faith
    9. Joey Allen Guitar Solo
    10. The Hole In My Wall
    11. Down Boys
    12. D.R.F.S.R.
    13. Sometimes She Cries
    14. Louder Harder Faster
    15. Heaven
    16. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    17. We Will Rock You Intro (Queen Cover)/Cherry Pie

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  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Bon Jovi Forever Album Release

    Bon Jovi released their 16th studio album called Forever on June 7 of 2024.

    This album is very much a comeback for singer/songwriter Jon Bon Jovi because he had vocal surgery last year and wasn’t sure he could sing at all anymore.

    As of this writing, he is still recovering from this surgery. 

    However, he and his band, which includes original members Tico Torres (drums), David Bryan (keyboards), Hugh McDonald (bass), and now Phil X (guitar), John Shanks (guitar, and also co-producer and co-songwriter), and Everett Bradley (percussion, backing vocals), were able to make this album while Jon has been recovering.

    If you are a fan of everything the band have done since 2000, then you should enjoy this album.

    If you just prefer their 1980s material, then stay away from it because it doesn’t sound like those songs.

    Me?  I’m a fan of all of their albums. Some more than others, but all nonetheless, and I definitely like this one.

    It’s Jon being very much a mature singer/songwriter now (think Bruce Springsteen) and he has been this way really since the 1990s.

    I think every Bon Jovi album is very much a Bon Jovi sounding album, but again, Jon has really turned into more of a Springsteen type of songwriter, and I don’t think this is a bad thing.

    I do wish they still rocked like they did in the 80s and there is still some of that (Living Proof may have been able to fit on one of their 80s albums.), but also, they moved so far away from the You Give Love A Bad Name, Breakout, and In And Out Of Love type songs a long time ago.

    But having said that, I still think they rock enough and Jon is an excellent songwriter so I’m good with this album.

    Lots of good songs on here.  In fact, I don’t think any of them are bad.  Some are a bit sentimental (Kiss The Bride is about a father, he actually, giving his daughter away at her wedding, but I do think it’s a good song.) but again, Jon is great at writing these types of songs.

    Then there are songs like Legendary, which is the first single, that somewhat rocks, but is also very catchy and again with heartfelt lyrics.

    Living Proof, as I mentioned before, definitely rocks.

    That and My First Guitar may be my favorites as of this writing.  Jon actually mentions my favorite band KISS twice in this song, which I appreciate.

    People’s House and Walls of Jericho are favorites too.

    Hollow Man is an excellent acoustic song (think Bruce Springsteen Nebraska album era or maybe even Bob Dylan).

    Really all of these songs are heartfelt and meaningful, lyrically, and Jon sings them well.

    I’m glad Jon and the band were able to make this album and I hope Jon gets his voice back enough to where they can tour.

    His voice does sound good on this album, and he’s already sung live a little bit, but he’s been saying he’s not yet able to sing for 2.5 hours multiple nights a week yet.  And he’s not sure if he can sing that much anymore.  Time will tell.

    Anyway, all my best to him because he is indeed a very good singer and songwriter and has matured as both with age.

    And his band has always been great.

    Rock on Jon and thanks for making another solid, heartfelt album.

    I also bought the album digitally on their website because it came with two bonus tracks, one of which is the song That Was Then, This Is Now, which is really good.

    Again, I like the album and I’m glad Jon was able to do it.

    Is it my favorite?  No, but I like it.  Keep making music sir!!

  • Blog,  Book Reviews

    Ian Gillan: The Autobiography of Deep Purple’s Singer by Ian Gillan w/David Cohen Book Review

    Deep Purple singer Ian Gillan released his autobiography in the late 90s.

    Called Ian Gillan:  The Autobiography of Deep Purple’s Singer, he talks about his upbringing, early bands, playing Jesus for the Jesus Christ Superstar album, his stints with Deep Purple (3 stints, 3rd time was the charm, staying to this day), his solo stuff and brief time as the singer of Black Sabbath, fun, wild rock and roll road stories, and just his life basically. 

    It also includes some of his lyrics interspersed throughout, when talking about certain life stories, in which he wrote into song.

    It’s a fun read and I highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of his or just a fan of music, bands, and life on the road.

    Like I said, this book was initially released in the late 1990s, but has reprinted a few times.

    Ian is still going strong with Deep Purple, FINALLY being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, still making albums, actually releasing a new album in 2024 and still touring.

    Ian Gillan is one of my favorite singers and I’ve been blessed to see him in concert 3 times as of this writing.

    He’s always been great and always will be, as far as I’m concerned.

  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    Prison (1987) Movie Review

    I’d heard about the 1987 movie Prison for awhile and was curious to see it.

    It’s a movie that did not get a lot of distribution and even when it has been released on home video, it always seems to go out of print.

    So, I had to pay more than I wanted to for it, but ultimately, it was worth the money.

    The movie Prison is about a deceased convict who was sentenced to the electric chair for killing someone, but in fact, did not do it.

    The convict was set up by a then guard, now a warden, and the warden is quite haunted by this.

    Turns out, this deceased convict turns up as a ghost at this newly reopened prison, headed by this warden, and starts killing prisoners and police one by one, ultimately leading to the warden.

    Sorry if I spoiled it for you, but it was released in 1987, so there.

    If you like ghost stories or prison dramas/thrillers, this is the movie for you.

    Starring a then unknown Viggo Mortensen (later of The Lord Of The Rings fame and other movies) and a solid supporting cast, and directed by Renny Harlin (A Nightmare on Elm Street 4, Die Hard 2, Cliffhanger and many others), I really enjoyed this movie and am glad to have found it.

    Also, horror movie icon Kane Hodder (Jason in Friday the 13th Parts 7-10, the Hatchet franchise and many others) plays the ghost seen at the end and is also the stunt coordinator and a stuntman in it.