Meet the Author

Meeting the great Dee Snider at Scarefest 2019 in Lexington, KY

Hi I’m Lucas Hannon, the “Ardent Fan”; the creator and keeper of this blog. I’ve always had a love for music, growing up with the 50s and 60s music my parents enjoyed. As I got older, my tastes matured through the years to include 70s music, along with tunes from the 80s and 90s; stuff I grew up with. 50s and 60s early Rock ‘N’ Roll, 70s Classic Rock, 80s Hard Rock and Metal, 90s Grunge, and beyond. But my love for concerts didn’t begin until December 8, 1998 in Charleston WV, when I finally saw KISS in person. Nothing compares to the feeling of live music flowing through you, as the crowd cheers around you. It’s a high I continue to chase to this day (especially KISS, who I’ve now seen 11 times). While I do have my favorite genres, I try to experience as many bands and musicians as I can. I don’t want to leave any stone unturned.

“Diary of an Ardent Fan” was a long time coming. After every concert, I compile all my memories of the event, the photos, the set list and post them to Facebook for all my friends and family to enjoy (while also keeping the information at hand for future references). I cannot tell you how many times people have come up to me and asked if I’ll ever create a blog or write a book. I have always considered it, but it seemed like something for the future. Something to look forward to, but never actually doing it. As of July 2023, I turn 41 years old, and I figure if I don’t begin now, I might never start. I’m letting all these experiences pass me by without truly documenting them officially. And who knows? Maybe “someday” I’ll be able to piece together all these posts to create a book about one of the loves of my life, music.

Meet the Assistant Editor

“It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock ‘n’ roll”

Hey there! It’s Mariah aka DeathByTango aka Lucas’s girlfriend. My main job here is to help Lucas maintain the website and keep everything up to date. This blog is all about his adventures in music, but I do tag along from time to time.

A quick tidbit about me: I have many hobbies and love to constantly be creating (quilting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, jewelry making, etc.) I also enjoy dancing, ballroom dancing to be exact, and reading. Music has a special place in my heart as well. My favorite bands are Hall & Oates, KISS, Alice Cooper, and Buddy Holly. But my life is really fueled on all sorts of 1980s pop and rock. My first concert was Hall & Oates in 2015 at the Toledo Zoo Amphitheater (I know, I know, but I’m making for lost time).