• Blog

    My 1st Wrestling Show

    I grew up loving movies, TV, cartoons, and toys like many kids do.

    I also grew up loving wrestling.

    My brother Christopher got me into it.

    Sadly, I was not aware of a lot of the wrestling promotions as a kid like I do now at 41 when I type this in 2023.

    However, I loved watching WWF (World Wrestling Federation, now WWE in 2023) and WCW (World Championship Wrestling) wrestling shows.

    My parents bought a lot of the wrestling toys and magazines for me.

    My Dad actually built a toy ring for me, which was way better than the one that WWF authorized to be released for kids

    I wish I still had that ring, but I do still have the toys and a lot of the magazines.  I had to buy some of them again because they were lost, but I have them.

    My Dad took me to my first wrestling show when I was 8.

    I only went to 1 as a kid.  I got out of watching wrestling on a regular basis for many years.  I still knew about it and occasionally saw it, but my huge fandom for it went away until the mid 2000s.  Then I started going to shows again.

    But anyway, back to 1991 when my Dad took me to my 1st wrestling show.

    I don’t remember all of it of course because I was 8.  But I do remember most of the wrestlers that were there.

    This was a WWF house show, which means it was a non-televised event.

    I remember Jake “The Snake” Roberts wrestling “The Model” Rick Martel.  They had a feud at the time, in which Rick “blinded” Jake.  He actually “blinded” him again in this match, but Jake won the match.

    I remember my Dad putting me on his shoulders when “The Texas Tornado” Kerry Von Erich came out to the ring to face his opponent.  That will always stay with me.

    I remember seeing The Barbarian wrestle Tugboat there, as well as WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect (Curt Hennig) wrestling.

    According to the match results listed below, courtesy of historyofthewwe.com, he faced Tito Santana, who I was a big fan of. 

    Again, I was 8 so I don’t remember every opponent so I’ll go with this, although it does ring a bell.

    However, what I do remember about this match is that Mr. Perfect went out of the ring and was seemingly taunting this woman in the front row.  And I kid you not, she slapped him in the face and he flipped over mid-fall, selling the slap.

    I don’t know if that was a work or legit, but I’ll always remember that.

    I remember Dustin Rhodes wrestling.  He was first starting in the WWF at this point.  He is the son of wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes and older brother of current WWE star Cody Rhodes.

    I remember seeing Earthquake (John Tenta) and Dino Bravo as a tag team, and according to the results, they faced The Hart Foundation, which was Bret “The Hitman” Hart and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart.  I don’t remember The Hart Foundation being there, which is terrible because they were/are one of my favorite tag teams.  But again, I’ll go on the word of the results.

    I wish I could remember more of this and have pictures of it, but I was 8.

    But I’m glad I remember what I do of it and I’m forever thankful to my Dad for taking me to the show.

    I think my friend Brandon Lange was at this show too.

    I’m still a wrestling fan and always will be, but nothing will beat the days of when I was a little kid and watching and playing wrestling.

    Again, these results below come from thehistoryofwwe.com web site.

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    My 1st KISS: My 1st Concert

    Almost 25 years ago, I went to my 1st concert.

    I may have seen someone play before this at a Summer Motion/4th of July event, but I don’t remember them.

    So, this was my 1st concert.

    And it just happened to be my favorite band ever:  KISS!!!!

    December 8, 1998 at the then Charleston Civic Center (Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center in 2023 as I type this).

    I was 16 years old (I’m 41 as I type this in 2023.).

    I still was not quite driving yet (actually I was very late getting my license but that’s another story), and this was before I ever owned a personal computer.

    So, I had to get tickets the old fashioned way:  go to a ticket outlet.

    And this case, it was our local Kroger.

    My Dad took me to Kroger on a Saturday morning earlier that year to buy tickets.

    I remember it being cold and we waited in line with many others to buy tickets. 

    It took about 2-3 hours before we got them (3 tickets) but no regrets.

    I, my Dad, and my brother Christopher went to the show.

    A band I had never heard of before or since, Econoline Crush, opened.

    They were fine and actually very loud (this was my 1st time hearing music played that loud).

    After they were done, I put ear plugs into my ears, and from that point on, I’ve used ear plugs at almost every show I’ve seen for safety.

    I sadly do not have any pictures to show, other than my ticket stub, but I will give you my memories of this show (It also helps I have the audio and video of it and no I did not record them.  I got them from fans.)

    KISS were on their Psycho Circus tour (new album at the time has the same name) at the time.

    It was still the original lineup of Gene Simmons (Vocals/Bass), Paul Stanley (Vocals/Guitar), Ace Frehley (Vocals/Lead Guitar), and Peter Criss (Vocals/Drums).

    To give some backstory, I actually had just become a fan of theirs earlier that year (at that point, I knew of Gene in the movie Runaway and knew of the band but was not aware of much of their music) when I saw them featured on a VH1 show called The 100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll (They were listed at 67.).

    I bought a best of album called Greatest KISS first and I fell instantly in love.

    I soon started buying their albums (they have many), although I still did not have all of them by the time I saw them.

    But I was very aware of a lot of it by show time.

    They had a big curtain up, as they always do, before the show.

    I’ll always remember the moment the curtain came down and there they were (we had great seats by the way, right by Paul’s b-stage he flew out onto later on). 

    You could not have taken the smile off my face with anything. 

    I could have died that night and been happy.  It meant everything to me and still does.

    They played 3 songs from Psycho Circus and a lot of classics from the 70s.

    Peter’s drum kit went up into the air and flew out over the audience.

    Ace’s guitar smoked and flew through the air.

    As I said, Paul flew through the air onto the b-stage later on for a few songs.

    And Gene spit fire and blood as he does, and flew up into the air on a small platform for his signature song God Of Thunder.

    Also, some of the show involved using 3-D glasses.

    They did not work for everyone.  It depended on where you were, but they worked for me.

    What it was was that during certain points in the show, you would be instructed to put on your glasses and you would see some cool imagery.

    The imagery included Ace and Peter pointing their guitar and drum sticks right at you, Gene’s face flying around, and maybe Paul’s guitar stuck out at you too, and some other stuff I don’t remember.

    I thought it was pretty cool, but again, it did not work for everyone there.

    I still have the glasses too, as well as some of the paper confetti that came down from the ceiling at the end of the show.

    25 years later, I still love KISS so much.

    I love every album and every lineup.

    I had no idea that 25 years later, I would still be seeing bands/artists I love (I’ve seen KISS 11 times alone as of 2023.).

    This was the start of something that for many years was just something fun to do every once in awhile.  But eventually, it became a passion/positive obsession.

    There have been MANY shows I did not see and I regret that.

    But overall, I’ve done pretty good.

    And I’m not done yet.

    I’ve been saying for years I’m going to stop or slow down, but I’ve yet to do it.

    Maybe I’ll slow down in 2024?  We’ll see.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved living it.


    Set List:

    1. Psycho Circus
    2. Shout It Out Loud
    3. Deuce
    4. Do You Love Me
    5. Firehouse
    6. Shock Me
    7. Let Me Go, Rock ‘N’ Roll
    8. Calling Dr. Love
    9. Into The Void
    10. Ace Guitar Solo
    11. King Of The Night Time World
    12. Bass Solo
    13. God Of Thunder
    14. Within
    15. Peter Drum Solo
    16. Cold Gin
    17. Love Gun
    18. 100,000 Years
    19. Rock And Roll All Nite
    20. Encore:  Beth
    21. Detroit Rock City
    22. Black Diamond

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    My FarmAid 2023 Experience

    I’ve been a Neil Young fan for many years, but unfortunately, just never got around to seeing him in concert.

    Well, this was my chance.

    FarmAid 2023.

    Neil is one of the founders of it, along with Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp.

    This started in 1985.

    Many bands/artists have played at FarmAid.

    It’s all for a great cause:  to support the American family farmers.

    This was a one day event.

    It started shortly after 12:30 PM and ended at almost midnight.

    I was there for all of it and have the sunburns to prove it (I thought I was going to be under the roof, but I was just on the edge of it, so I got a lot of sun rays.).

    But anyway, it was a great event.

    Great staff. Great food. And of course great music.

    The show started off with Native Pride Productions and Wisdom Indian Dancers, who welcomed everyone to the show and did some great dancing.

    Then shortly after that, Clayton Anderson and his band performed.  He started off the show with a country rock set.  Pretty good.

    Then The Black Opry feat. Lori Rayne, Tylar Bryant and Kyshona performed. 

    They were all vocals and acoustic guitars. 

    Interestingly, none of them performed together, but each one would perform their own songs, while the others would wait their turn to sing/play their songs. 

    Either way, they’re very good.  Good singing, good playing.

    Then Particle Kid performed.  This is Micah Nelson, one of Willie Nelson’s sons. 

    He did a one man show, just him and a guitar, and he was very good.

    After this, The String Cheese Incident performed.  This band has been around for 30 years and are still going strong.  Really fun music.

    Next, Allison Russell performed.  She and her band played a great set and Kyshona of The Black Opry and Lukas Nelson, another one of Willie’s sons, guested with her and her band at the end of their set.

    After this, Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats performed.  This was my favorite act so far.  Rock and Soul that’s the best way to describe them.  Really fun and energetic.  Awesome.

    Next up, Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real. 

    Again, Lukas is one of Willie’s sons and he has had this band for several years (they even backed up Neil Young for a few years for some albums and tours). 

    Lukas is a phenomenal talent.  Phenomenal singer.  Phenomenal guitarist/pianist.  And his band is solid as a rock. 

    I’m glad I finally saw them. 

    As it turns out, this was the second time I’d seen Lukas on this day (see above) and two more times later on (read on).

    Next, Bobby Weir & Wolf Bros. feat. The Wolfpack.

    Bobby Weir is one of the founders/singers/guitarists of The Grateful Dead.

    This was the second time I had seen him (I saw him with Dead And Company, which is most of the surviving members of The Dead, in 2017). 

    He and his band (which includes super producer Don Was on bass) played a short set, but as he does, there was some serious jamming. 

    Lukas Nelson and Sturgill Simpson played guest guitars. 

    Margo Price (who  performed two acts later) guested on vocals too. 

    Too short a set for me, but good nonetheless.

    Next was The Jim Irsay Band. 

    Jim Irsay is a legitimate billionaire (owner of The Indianapolis Colts) and is quite a collector of memorabilia.  Particularly music memorabilia. 

    He has the famous David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) black guitar he used for many years, has one of Ringo’s Beatles drum kits, and sooooo much more. 

    So, in recent times, he has been going around with an exhibit (it’s free, it was at this event but unfortunately I did not get a chance to go see it) of some of his collection that he has bought through auctions etc. 

    Also, around this, he assembles a band, featuring some known people, and does a show playing covers. 

    Jim sings some and he brings other singers on too. 

    On this day, he had Ann Wilson of Heart sing a song by The Who and Heart (her group), Kenny Aronoff (who has played with sooo many people, including John Mellencamp) on drums, and Kenny Wayne Shepherd was one of the guitarists. 

    When the band played Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb, Kenny played that same David Gilmour guitar I just mentioned.  Pretty cool. 

    Also, Jim and John Mellencamp himself (more on him in awhile) presented a check for 1 million dollars to the American farmers.  Again, very cool.  Fun little set.

    Next was Margo Price.  This was one of the people I was not super familiar with. 

    She is also one of the FarmAid board members and played a very good set. 

    However personally, by this point, I was wearing down, and was ready for the last 4 acts. 

    Aside from Willie (more on him in a bit), I think she played the longest set of the day. 

    Again, very good, but I was ready to move on at this point.

    And move on we did.

    Next up was Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds. 

    Dave is especially known as the singer/guitarist/songwriter of The Dave Matthews Band. 

    However, he also does albums/tours with guitarist extraordinaire Tim Reynolds. 

    Tim is PHENOMENAL on guitar.  Dave sings and plays rhythm acoustic, while Tim plays lead acoustic.  Wow!! 

    Dave still sings great and the two of them are a PHENOMENAL duo. 

    I’ve been a fan of Dave for many years, but somehow, just never saw him until this event.  I’m glad I finally did.

    Then, Dave came back out a little while later and introduced the next performer:  the one and only John Mellencamp!! 

    I was supposed to see Mellencamp in May of this year, but unfortunately, I was sick and was not able to go. 

    That changed on this night. 

    He and his band played a great, although not super long, set of hits.  I’m glad I finally saw him.  He’s still great.

    Then the MAIN reason why I went to this came up next:  Neil Young!!!!  John Mellencamp introduced him, and Neil came out and played (just him singing/playing acoustic guitar and harmonica) for 4 songs. 

    The only reason why I think he only played 4 songs (he was scheduled for 40 minutes, according to the event app) was because at some point in the day, the turnaround time between each act got behind. 

    The turnaround was still pretty fast all day and night, but nevertheless, it seemingly got behind and the set times definitely fluctuated. 

    So, I think Neil played a much shorter set to try to somewhat get things back on time, even though that didn’t really happen. 

    Maybe I’m wrong but that’s what I think happened.

    I’m disappointed that I waited this long to see Neil and he only got to play 4 songs, but having said that, I’m glad I saw him. 

    He sounded great, and I love seeing/hearing him do his one man show. 

    But it would have been nice to get a few, or a lot more songs. 

    Maybe someday I’ll see just his show, but if not, I’m still glad I got what I got. 

    He was a HUGE bucket list concert for me, and I can scratch that off now. 

    I’ll forever respect Neil and love his massive discography.

    Thank you Neil!!!!

    Then, a SURPRISE happened.  This act was not officially scheduled to play at all.  But to everyone’s surprise, instead of Willie Nelson coming on next, Bob Dylan came on next!!!! 

    And with some of The Heartbreakers (Tom Petty’s band, featuring guitarist Mike Campbell, keyboardist Benmont Tench and drummer Steve Ferrone) playing with him no less.  It was just 3 songs, but wow, what an awesome surprise. 

    This was my 3rd time seeing Bob. 

    He’s not for everyone, but I love him.  I consider him a national treasure. And I saw him play guitar, which doesn’t sound out of the ordinary, but in my case, when I’d seen him before, he just sang and played piano.  No guitar or harmonica, which he’s known for.  Either way, WOW!!!

    Then, Willie Nelson & Family (his sons Lukas and Micah were highly featured) perform.  Willie, at 90 years old, is still the best at what he does, in my opinion. 

    He’s also a national treasure that should always be revered. 

    Most of the day’s performers came out at the end of the set and joined in on the last few songs of the night. 

    I could say more, but this was quite the day, and aside from getting sunburned and taking a little while to get out at the end, it was a great day.

    And again, even though Neil’s set was short, I’m still very happy that I FINALLY saw him.

    Everyone sang and played great.

    Oh and I almost forgot:  I cannot say enough how AMAZING the backdrops were behind the acts during each set. 

    They were all PHENOMENAL stills of farms, land, houses, small towns, nature, berries, just beautiful photography.

    I had never gone to FarmAid, but I’m glad I went to this one.

    Thank you everyone for the great experience.

    I have included most of the set lists, as well as many pictures and some video I took (sorry for the quality).

    Willie Nelson & Family Set List:

    1. Whiskey River
    2. Bloody Mary Morning
    3. I Never Cared For You
    4. Texas Flood (Lukas Nelson on Lead Vocals)
    5. Help Me Make It Through The Night (w/Waylon Payne)
    6. Die When I’m High (Halfway To Heaven) (Micah Nelson on Lead Vocals)
    7. Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
    8. Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground
    9. On The Road Again
    10. Always On My Mind
    11. Just Outside Of Austin (Lukas on Lead Vocals)
    12. Good Hearted Woman
    13. I Been To Georgia On A Fast Train
    14. Everything is Bullshit (Micah on Lead Vocals)
    15. Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die
    16. Write Your Own Songs
    17. Will The Circle Be Unbroken/I’ll Fly Away (with most of the acts of the day on stage)
    18. It’s Hard To Be Humble (with most of the acts of the day on stage)

    Bob Dylan Set List:

    1. Maggie’s Farm
    2. Positively 4th Street
    3. Ballad Of A Thin Man

    Neil Young Set List:

    1. Comes A Time
    2. Are There Any More Real Cowboys?
    3. Love Earth
    4. Heart Of Gold

    John Mellencamp Set List:

    1. John Cockers
    2. Paper In Fire
    3. Small Town
    4. Jack & Diane (solo acoustic and he let the audience sing most of it)
    5. Rain On The Scarecrow
    6. Lonely Of Night
    7. Crumblin’ Down/Gloria
    8. Pink Houses

    Dave Matthews And Tim Reynolds Set List:

    1. Rye Whiskey
    2. Satellite
    3. So Damn Lucky
    4. Virginia In The Rain
    5. Lie In Our Graves
    6. Monsters
    7. Crush

    Margo Price Set List:

    1. Been To The Mountain
    2. Four Years Of Chances
    3. Shelter Me
    4. Change Of Heart
    5. Life Of Sin (w/Sturgill Simpson)
    6. Marry Jane’s Last Dance (w/Sturgill Simpson)
    7. Paper Cowboy (w/Sturgill Simpson)
    8. Hurtin’ (On The Bottle (w/Sturgill Simpson)

    The Jim Irsay Band Set List:

    1. Lawyers, Guns And Money
    2. Comfortably Numb (w/Kenny Wayne Shepherd playing David Gilmour’s black Stratocaster)
    3. Love Reign O’er Me (w/Ann Wilson on Lead Vocals)
    4. Barracuda (w/Ann Wilson on Lead Vocals)

    Bobby Weir & Wolf Bros. feat. The Wolf Pack Set List:

    1. Truckin’
    2. Dark Star
    3. Not Fade Away

    Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real Set List:

    1. Sticks And Stones
    2. Icarus
    3. If I Didn’t Love You
    4. Giving You Away
    5. All Four Winds
    6. Ladder Of Love
    7. Find Yourself

    Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats Set List:

    1. Suffer Me
    2. Intro
    3. I Need Never Get Old
    4. Heartless
    5. Dancing In The Dark
    6. Trying So Hard Not To Know
    7. Time Makes Fools
    8. Love Don’t

    Alison Russell Set List:

    1. Springtime
    2. The Returner
    3. Eve Was Black
    4. Stay Right Here
    5. Requiem (w/Kyshona of The Black Opry and Lukas Nelson)

    The String Cheese Incident Set List:

    1. Can’t Wait Another Day
    2. Lend Me A Hand
    3. Colorado Bluebird Sky
    4. Shine

    Particle Kid Set List:

    1. Bleed
    2. Someone Else’s Dream
    3. Even The Birds 
    4. Everything Is Bullshit

    Clayton Anderson Set List:

    1. Better By The Day
    2. Right Where We Belong
    3. Indiana
    4. Made In The USA
    5. Only To Borrow

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  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    My Review of The Expendables 4 Movie

    I went Thursday night of 9/21/23 to see The Expendables 4.

    This is one of my favorite movie franchises.

    I’ve loved each movie since they were released (2010, 2012, and 2014 respectively).

    These are really good, retro style action movies that harken back to the 80s and 90s action movies, which I grew up on.

    So much so that many of the stars of these movies were in those movies back then too.

    Except now, they’re all together in one franchise, which I love.

    Again, this is the 4th one.

    Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham have always been the main stars of these movies, although in this movie, Stallone definitely takes a back seat so Statham can be the main star.

    I will say this is my least favorite of the 4 movies, mainly because Stallone is not in it as much, but that’s not a slight on Statham or anyone.

    It’s still very action packed, has some good humor in it (Dolph Lundgren and Randy Couture, who are the other two stars that have been in every movie have some fun and funny moments and of course kick butt moments), but this is definitely a Statham movie, which is fine.

    Martial Arts superstar Tony Jaa has some great action moments in this movie. 

    The main villain, Iko Uwais, is very good.

    There are some new members of the team in this movie, including Megan Fox, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, and Levy Tran.

    Many people have been wondering why Megan Fox is in this, but she was good in it.  

    I really like 50 Cent as an actor (he worked with Stallone on his Escape Plan trilogy).

    Levy Tran is a newcomer, but she kicks butt too.

    Andy Garcia, who I’ve always liked, is in this.

    Jacob Scipio plays the son of Antonio Banderas’ character from the 3rd movie (Antonio was approached but scheduling did not work out.).

    So even though it does not have all the superstars that are in the other ones, it still works for me.

    Having “new blood” as it were was tried in the 3rd movie, but it was with mixed results (I liked them but some of the main stars had to take a back seat for them in the story, which I did not like).

    But I’m ok with the newer people.

    You can’t get everyone, and besides, a TON of stars have been in these movies.

    There is still enough good foundation for this to be an Expendables movie.

    Although it did have a big budget, it still looks a little more down and dirty and grittier.

    It often feels more like just a stand alone action movie, and not part of an action movie franchise, but I think that’s cool too.

    Again, it’s my least favorite of the 4, but I still enjoyed it.  I left the theater satisfied and happy.

    So, I did not give much away here (avoiding giving spoilers), but I will say that if you are a fan of this franchise or just of old school action movies in general, then this movie is for you.

    If not, then you won’t like it.

    Is it the best one? No.

    But it is a good one and I still hope for more of them because I still think there is more that can be done.

    I love this franchise.  Bring on The Expendables 5.

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  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    New Single by The Rolling Stones, Album Out October 20!!

    The Greatest Rock And Roll Band In The World, The Rolling Stones, are putting out a new album!!

    It is called Hackney Diamonds, out October 20.

    The new single and video, Angry, is out as of September 6.

    The band, which includes Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Ronnie Wood, had a worldwide press conference event moderated by Jimmy Fallon in London announcing the album and single.

    Mick said that most of the album was recorded in December of 2022 and January of 2023 and mixed in February of 2023.

    23 songs were recorded, two albums worth of material so hopefully another album will come out sooner than later.

    12 songs on this album, though.  Two of which feature their amazing drummer Charlie Watts (RIP sir!!) that were recorded in 2019.

    Also, Bassist Bill Wyman, who was in the band for a little more than 30 years, is on one of the songs Charlie played on, so that will be awesome!!!!!

    The single Angry is a classic sounding Stones song.

    Great riff, cool vocals, and it’s The Rolling Stones.  What more can you ask for?

    I can’t wait to buy this album.

    They’ve put out songs in the last decade, even a blues cover album in 2016, but not a full on new material album since 2005.  But hey, they’ve been busy.

    I’ve been a fan since I was a little kid listening to them on the radio and seeing them in concert in 2015 will forever be the greatest night of my life.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever top that for me.

    I love these guys and I’m soooooooooooooooo glad they never stopped and are still making new music and touring.

    They truly are the best.

    Keep on rocking guys!!!!!

  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Alice Cooper Road Album Review

    Alice Cooper has done it again:  Put out an amazing album.

    If you’re an Alice fan, you should love this.

    Aside from his first two albums in the 1960s, I think he’s put out one amazing album after another since.

    He’s always been great.

    Always puts on phenomenal concerts.

    He does not disappoint.


    This new album is great, and also features a phenomenal concert of his from 2022.

    If you’re a fan, get this!!!!!!

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  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Black Oak Arkansas The Devil’s Jukebox Album Review

    I love cover albums.

    Many bands/artists have done them.

    This is another AWESOME one.

    Jim Dandy and his band Black Oak Arkansas are still going strong and have delivered an AWESOME cover album.

    Featuring songs by The Rollings Stones, The Mamas And The Papas, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Jefferson Airplane, The Buffalo Springfield, Neil Young, and more, this album kicks butt!!

    I prefer original material albums, but again, I love cover albums, and I LOVE this one.

    Actually there is one original and it’s a Christmas song.  Really good.

    Way to go Jim!!!

    I hope I can see you and the band someday.

    Keep on rocking sir!!!!

    And Rest In Peace Rickie Lee Reynolds, a huge part of the band’s history.  Forever missed.

    You’re the man!!!!

    Get this album and CRANK up the volume.


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  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Sevendust Truth Killer Album Review

    Two days before my birthday, Sevendust released their 14th studio album called Truth Killer.

    I’ve been a Sevendust fan since almost the beginning, and they have always been a great, rocking, solid band.

    If you’re a Sevendust fan, you will probably always get what you want with each release.

    And Truth Killer is no different.

    It rocks.  It’s heavy.  It’s melodic.  It’s everything you want in a Sevendust album.

    And it’s still the original lineup (guitarist Clint Lowery left for a few years in the 2000s then returned).

    Not much more I can say here other than if you’re a Sevendust fan, please check this one out.

    Also go see them live because they’re a phenomenal live band.

    Keep on rocking guys.

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    We Built This City on Rock And Roll!!: Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas Concert Review

    A couple of my friends and I saw Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas Saturday night in Portsmouth, OH.

    A Fleetwood Mac tribute band called Silver Springs:  A Fleetwood Mac Experience opened the show.

    They played many Fleetwood Mac hits and did a good job.

    Then Starship came on later.

    It features singer Mickey Thomas, who has been in both Jefferson Starship and later known as Starship, a solo artist, and has done a lot of recordings.

    He was also in The Elvin Bishop Group, singing lead on the hit song Silent Night, and one of the singers on the hit Fooled Around And Fell In Love.

    He’s always been a great singer and he has not lost anything in his voice.

    He and his band still go out and give the fans the hits of Jefferson Airplane, which all of this originally was, as well as the Jefferson Starship and Starship hits, many of which he was a huge part of.

    He’s got a great band.  Guitarist John Roth also plays guitar for Winger.  Excellent player.

    Cian Coey sings the Grace Slick parts really well.

    Everyone is solid.

    Great, fun show.  And it was free!!

    My next show is in three weeks.

    And that’s FarmAid!!


    Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas Band Members:

    Silver Springs: A Fleetwood Mac Experience Band Members:

    Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas Set List:

    1. Laying It On The Line
    2. Jane
    3. Sarah
    4. Wild Again
    5. Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now
    6. Set The Night To Music
    7. White Rabbit/Miracles/Count On Me/Somebody To Love
    8. Fooled Around And Fell In Love
    9. Stranger
    10. We Built This City
    11. Find Your Way Back

    Silver Springs: A Fleetwood Mac Experience Set List:

    1. The Chain
    2. Over My Head
    3. Dreams
    4. Everywhere
    5. Stop Dragging My Heart Around
    6. Go Your Own Way
    7. Say You Love Me
    8. Seven Wonders
    9. You Make Loving Fun
    10. Landslide
    11. Gypsy
    12. Little Lies
    13. Sara
    14. unknown song
    15. Gold Dust Woman
    16. Tusk
    17. Rhiannon

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