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Arnold Schwarzenegger Be Useful Seven Tools For Life Book Review

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been one of my heroes since I was a little kid.

I love most of his movies, and his current show on Netflix Fubar is a lot of fun too.

His autobiography Total Recall is excellent.

And this book, Be Useful Seven Tools For Life, is quite good also.

Released on October 10 of 2023, this book is part self help/part autobiographical/part inspirational/very positive.

I so wish I could be as positive and driven as Governor Schwarzenegger is.

I’ve been a fan since I was little, but I’ve never been confident or driven and ambitious like he is.

I don’t know if I ever could be.

Either way, I enjoyed this book very much.

I’ve been lucky enough to meet him and just be in the room with him a few times, courtesy of the Arnold Sports Festival.

I can tell you he is very much as he appears to be.  Very smart, confident, positive, driven, focused, disciplined, and much more.  All the things I’m not. 

But still, he is a hero to me and he always will be.

Check out this book.  

And as he says “Be useful”.

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