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Mr. Big Ten Album Review

The band Mr. Big (featuring singer Eric Martin, guitarist Paul Gilbert, bassist Billy Sheehan, and now drummer Nick D’Virgilio taking the place of deceased drummer Pat Torpey) released what is being billed as their “final album” on July 12 of 2024.

Called Ten, it comprises 11 songs, mostly rockers but some mellower songs too, and sounds like Mr. Big.

Great singing and musicianship, which is always been their trademark.

They’ve been touring throughout the year 2024.  I saw them at their Detroit show (review here).  This is supposedly their final tour, but like everyone that says that, I’ll believe it when they don’t return for more or just don’t stop at all.

And if they want to continue, please do.  I never want any of my favorites to stop, but eventually, they will all stop.  That’s life.  But until then, Mr. Big rocks and if you don’t see them live, please get this album.  It’s very good.

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