• Album Reviews,  Blog

    John Carpenter Lost Themes and Anthology Music Reviews

    Filmmaker John Carpenter has done a lot of music for his movies over the decades.

    He has also, along with his son Cody and nephew Daniel Davies (son of The Kinks’ Ray Davies) have recorded some original albums and re-records of some of his musical pieces.

    The original albums are Lost Themes, Lost Themes II, Lost Themes III Alive After Death, and Lost Themes No. 4 Noir.

    These albums could easily be soundtracks, but they are original instrumental albums.

    Classic Carpenter sounding throughout, but yet still new and fresh.

    The first instrumental on the first Lost Themes is one of my favorite pieces of time, called Vortex. 

    And the re-records are called Anthology (Movie Themes 1974-1998) and Anthology II (Movie Themes 1976-1988).

    Both are excellent compilations of various pieces Carpenter has written and recorded over the years.

    And Carpenter and his son and nephew have done some concerts too (I wish they would do more so I could see them.) and documented that on a Blu-ray called Carpenter Live Retrospective.  

    Awesome awesome stuff.

    Check all of these out, as well as Carpenter’s many soundtracks.

    He is awesome!!!

  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    Deadpool & Wolverine Movie Review

    This movie has been a LONG time coming.

    I’ve been wanting Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine/Logan) to a movie like this together for a LONG time.

    I know they did it in the X-Men Origins:  Wolverine movie that everyone but me hates, but this is more like it.

    I still want them to do a buddy cop movie together too, but I digress.

    This movie, Deadpool & Wolverine, is a lot of fun.

    Very violent and very vulgar, which is the way you want it to be.

    Very funny too, although for me, as much as I enjoyed this, the first Deadpool is the best for me, in terms of the humor.

    But it is awesome to see these two play these parts together the way it should be done.

    It’s great seeing Hugh back as Logan/Wolverine, and in the suit this time.  Spoiler:  he even puts on the mask too.

    Both Hugh and Ryan interact very well together.

    Lots of great action, tons of funny/silly dialogue, and lots of cool cameos too (Spoiler:  Wesley Snipes returns as Blade!!!!!  That’s just one of others.)

    Fun movie.

    Go see it.