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My 4th Scarefest Experience!!

I went to ScareFest Weekend for the 4th time in Lexington, Kentucky on October 19 of 2024.
It’s definitely one of my favorite conventions.
Although I will say this is the biggest one I’ve seen them do yet.
That’s great, but I could see it seemed a bit overwhelming and maybe some of the staff was unprepared for the massive crowd.
Having said that, what I saw at least was mostly positive and I had a wonderful experience.
The staff was good to me. I know there were complaints, but I’m grateful to the staff.
Especially when one of them got me out of the general admission line (I had a Weekend Plus ticket, not GA.) after an hour and got me into the correct line.
And some of the photo op lines were a bit chaotic, but these are big events and things can change. So I’m fine with it.
And as I said, I had a wonderful time.
All the celebrities I met (Dick Warlock, Nick Castle, R.A. Mihailoff, and Adam Green) were all very nice.  There were a ton of other celebrities there, but I could not afford all of them.  
I spoke to R.A. and Adam for a little bit, which was nice. R.A. discussed his movie Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, which I really like and he appreciated me saying that and told me about the movie.
Adam, who is the creator of the Hatchet movie franchise, discussed with me his show Holliston, a horror sitcom, that unfortunately only lasted two seasons because of corporate bureaucracy. It’s a great show. Seek it out.
I actually even opened up one of Dick’s water bottles for him when I met him. He’s a great man and a stunt legend (Kurt Russell’s stuntman for 25 years) and is most famous for being Michael Myers in the original Halloween II and was one of the villains in Halloween III.
Nick is the original Michael Myers for most of the original Halloween movie, and had cameos in the last Halloween trilogy. He’s also a writer (Escape From New York and Hook) and director (Dennis The Menace and Major Payne) just to name a few.
I got selfies and autographs of all of them.
I also got pro photo ops with Dick, Nick, R. A. (dressed up as Leatherface), and the legendary Clive Barker, in one of his last scheduled public appearances. I did not want to fight his autograph line, so I just got a picture, but even in my brief encounter with him, he was very kind. Thank you all sooooo much for everything.
Oh and I met Sean Clark of Horror’s Hallowed Grounds (a phenomenal series in which he goes to various movie locations) and the podcast The Thing With Two Heads. Thank you for taking our picture together and giving me a little bit of swag.
I also went to a Michael Myers Q&A Panel, which had Nick, Dick, Jade Jude Courtney, Tom Morga, and Tyler Mane. All who have played Michael Myers. They all had great things about playing the character.
I’m leaving things out, but again, this was such a fun day. It was long and tiring, but a ton of fun and it was all worth it.
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