Blog, Concerts I Saw a Byrds Tribute Band in My Future Hometown June 28 2001 / No Comments June of 2001 (I don't remember the exact date) Location of Concert: Ironton, OH I’m typing these old show reviews in 2023, and I really don’t have a lot of information about this one.However, I am including this because it is part of my history.I know it happened in June of 2001 in my future hometown of Ironton, OH (I moved there in 2004).It was a free show in the town.I don’t even know what the name of the band was, but I do know it was a Byrds tribute band.I remember they had a lot of technical difficulties in between a lot of the songs, but once they got playing, they were mostly pretty good.I don’t know any of the guys’ names, but I know they definitely nothing but Byrds songs.I’m sorry I don’t have much more to say about this one.A couple of my school buddies, Jason Smith and Dave Knipp, were in attendance too.That’s really all I have to say. Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]