My First Event Since Global Shutdown: Huntington Comic & Toy Convention 2021
- Date of Convention: June 6, 2021
- Location of Convention: Mountain Health Arena in Huntington, WV
It’s official: I’m back going to events again!!
I went to Huntington Comic & Toy Convention in Huntington, WV.
This is the first year for this event.
The same people who run Lexington Comic & Toy Con and The Inner Geek run it.
It was a great time.
I saw several people there, including John Wesley Shipp (The Flash), wrestlers Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Sgt. Slaughter, and more.
I went to Kevin Nash’s Q&A, and Scott Steiner showed up during it.
I was able to ask them a question.
I was able to ride Battlecat and Panthor from He- Man And The Masters Of The Universe!!! That was fun.
And for the first time since 2005, I saw my college professor Joe Barta IV and his wife V Brittany Barta.
They have a company called Be Kind Rewind VHS Notebooks, in which they make notebooks out of old VHS tape boxes.
Great stuff.
Thank you Joe and Brittany. It was great seeing you two again.
All in all, a great, fun day.
I’m glad to be able to go to events again.
More to come soon, I hope.
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