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I Saw a Hero of Mine in Person: Arnold Sports Festival Arnold Sunday Showcase Review

Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of my biggest heroes.

I’ve been a fan since was a little kid.

I’ve always loved his movies and basically everything about him.

I never thought I would ever be able to see him in person.

Well, that finally happened.

He and a local Columbus businessman, Jim Lorimer, started the Arnold Sports Festival in the 1970s, to showcase all kinds of sports and athletes, particularly bodybuilding, which Arnold first made his name doing.

It has gotten bigger each year (it’s a 4 day event and it encompasses A LOT), and Arnold is always there to give out awards and to speak.

Well, I decided to finally go to his seminar that he does on the last day of the festival.

He speaks for roughly 45 minutes to an hour, or more depending on what he’s talking about, which is usually about how the event has gone, the main bodybuilding tournament from the previous night (The Arnold Classic), and current or upcoming projects, if any.

He takes questions from the audience sometimes too.

I was not able to ask him a question, but just seeing him was a huge honor for me.

I’m very glad I went and I will go again.

I love you Arnold!!

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