• Blog,  Concerts

    Phenomenal: UFO/Saxon/Jared James Nichols Concert Review

    Well I saw another PHENOMENAL rock show last night in Cleveland!
    I saw the British rock band UFO for the first time and British metal band Saxon for the second time.
    They played at the House Of Blues, which I had never been to.
    I went with my best friend Jamie McClintic and my friend Kevin Montavon.
    Newer artist Jared James Nichols opened with his 3 piece rock band and they were solid.
    They sound like very late 60s/early 70s rock, which I’m all about.
    Then Saxon came on and just tore the house down.
    One reason why I wanted to go to this show is because Saxon and UFO do not tour in the States a lot, although they have come here more in recent years, which is a great thing.
    I first saw Saxon in 2015 opening for Judas Priest.
    Saxon is a band that have stayed consistent since starting in the mid 70s.
    They still put out albums every two or three years (next one coming in 2018).
    And they still play very loud!
    Everyone in the band is amazing.
    Singer Peter “Biff” Byford, guitarists Paul Quinn and Doug Scarratt, bassist Nibbs Carter, and drummer Nigel Glockler.
    If you can ever go see Saxon, I highly recommend it. And check out some of their discography.
    Now, on to the headliner, UFO!!!!
    I’ve been a fan of this band for many years, but never completely understood the love that some people have for this band. Until last night, that is.
    This band was formed by their singer Phil Mogg in the late 60s, and since then, for the most part, they have stayed the course, never achieving Led Zeppelin level of popularity, but their fan base is definitely hardcore.
    And even at this point in their careers, this band is still having fun, still putting out good new albums, and like Saxon, are still playing very loud!!
    After seeing them, I have achieved a greater appreciation.
    Singer Phil Mogg is amazing. He’s in his early 70s now and is still singing great.
    Guitarist Vinnie Moore, who has been in the band since 2004, replacing the unbelievable Michael Schenker, is an absolute shredder on guitar.
    Keyboardist/rhythm guitarist Paul Raymond is solid, and I must say, still has some pretty amazing hair.
    Bassist Rob De Luca, who has been in the band for about 8 years, replacing classic bassist Pete Way, is solid, as well.
    And classic drummer Andy Parker is a BEAST!! Again, guys like him who can do what he does at his age are an inspiration.
    Radio DJ/ That Metal Show host/UFO fanboy Eddie Trunk would be proud when I say I’m a bigger fan of UFO now.
    Again, I’ve been a fan for years, and have most of their albums now, but I still didn’t completely get it.
    I always thought of them as a solid band with a few great albums, but that’s it.
    But now that I finally saw them, I understand now.
    Anyway, another fun night with some amazing bands and amazing friends.
    Now I’m done until the end of next month, where I’ll have two concerts to go to in two back to back days.
    Love and Peace.

    UFO Set List:

    1. Mother Mary
    2. Run Boy Run
    3. Lights Out
    4. Baby Blue
    5. Let It Roll
    6. Only You Can Rock Me
    7. Burn Your House Down
    8. Too Hot To Handle
    9. Messiah Of Love
    10. Love To Love
    11. Rock Bottom
    12. Encore: Cherry
    13. Doctor Doctor
    14. Shoot Shoot

    Saxon Set List:

    1. Battering Ram
    2. This Town Rocks
    3. Sacrifice
    4. Power And The Glory
    5. Solid Ball Of Rock
    6. The Eagle Has Landed
    7. Dallas 1 PM
    8. 20, 000 Feet (Venue Choice)
    9. Crusader
    10. Wheels Of Steel
    11. Strong Arm Of The Law (Venue Choice)
    12. Denim And Leather
    13. Princess Of The Night

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    It’s My Life: Bon Jovi Concert Review

    I went to another fun concert last night in Columbus, Ohio.
    Bon Jovi!!
    I had never seen this band in person before.
    They were worth the wait.
    They played a lot of classics, but also played a lot of newer songs.
    Seven songs on their newest album, This House Is Not For Sale, were played.
    They also played Johnny B. Goode, in tribute to Chuck Berry, who died at age 90. Much respect.
    The band is still on fire.
    I wish former Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora was still in the band, but I have to say, seeing two guitarists in the band, Phil X and John Shanks, is pretty cool.
    They have another percussionist/backing singer, too, now: Everett Bradley.
    And long standing bassist Hugh McDonald, is still pounding away on the low end.
    Drummer Tico Torres was worth the price of admission alone. He is a BEAST on the drums.
    Keyboardist/backing singer David Bryan is still great.
    And Jon is Jon. The consummate frontman, singer/songwriter/musician, and professional.
    Regardless of what anyone thinks about this band, or the fact that they’re not what they used to be, in terms of look or sound, they have persevered for 34 years and like Frank Sinatra said, they’ve done it their way.
    Bon Jovi even used that quote in one of their biggest hits, It’s My Life, which they played. And they are still very successful.
    The venue was packed, probably sold out.
    The crowd was into it.
    I actually like the newer stuff, so I was good with it.
    I would have liked to have heard a few more older songs, but I’m still satisfied.
    They played 2.5 hours, so that’s a lot of music.
    I could say more, but I’ll just finish with saying that whoever you like, love, respect, etc., don’t ever stop doing that.
    Jon has said in recent times that he does not see him doing this for much longer.
    Now he/they may go another 10 years. Who knows.
    But unfortunately, someday, we’re all going away, so enjoy everyone and everything you can while you can.
    Now on that note, my concert experiences continue.
    More to come.
    Love and Peace,
    Lucas Hannon
    P. S. Here are just a few of the pictures I took below, along with the set list.
    I was high up in the bleachers, so most of these pics I took of the big screen.
    I could still see and hear them just fine, though.
    Another fun concert for me. And also, to Heather Criswell, I’m glad you had fun at your first concert.

    Set List:

    1. This House Is Not For Sale
    2. Knockout
    3. You Give Love A Bad Name
    4. Lost Highway
    5. Whole Lot Of Leaving
    6. Rollercoaster
    7. We Weren’t Born To Follow
    8. I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead/Johnny B. Goode (Chuck Berry tribute)/I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead (conclusion)
    9. We Got It Going On
    10. Who Says You Can’t Go Home
    11. It’s My Life
    12. We Don’t Run
    13. God Bless This Mess
    14. Scars On This Guitar
    15. Devils In The Temple
    16. Lay Your Hands On Me
    17. Born To Be My Baby
    18. Have A Nice Day
    19. Bad Medicine
    20. Keep The Faith
    21. Encore: Raise Your Hands
    22. Wanted: Dead Or Alive
    23. Living On A Prayer

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  • Blog,  Conventions

    I Met a Hero: My Lexington Comic & Toy Convention 2017 Experience

    Well I met another hero of mine Sunday.
    Mr. Lee Majors, star of The Six Million Dollar Man, The Fall Guy, The Big Valley, Raven, several movies and TV guest spots, and most recently, Ash vs Evil Dead.
    Lee was appearing at the Lexington ComicCon in Kentucky.
    He was taking pictures with fans, signing autographs, and doing a Q&A with fans.
    I first got my picture taken with him, in which he called me boss (Wow!), and I thanked him for everything that he’s done. And he said thank you back to me.
    I then went to his Q&A shortly thereafter, where I was able to go fanboy on him, telling him that two of his shows, The Six Million Dollar Man and The Fall Guy, were on in reruns in the mid to late 90s, 5 days a week, and that I watched and recorded them.
    I told him both of these shows were two positive things in my life when I was in my early teens.
    He told me “Thank you” and then jokingly said “So you were the one watching?”
    The emcee jokingly said that I helped pay for Lee’s mortgage back then, and I said I was happy to do it, too.
    I asked Lee about working with wrestler Andre The Giant on a two part episode of Six Mil, and he had a lot of good, funny stories about him.
    Lee also talked about Kentucky a lot, saying “Go Wildcats” at the start of his Q&A.
    He’s not from Kentucky, but he grew up in Middlesboro, and graduated from Eastern Kentucky University.
    He said that when he went back to Eastern a few years ago to speak at a graduation, that he had a better turnout than Mitch McConnell did there that same day at Eastern.
    All in all, he had a lot of great stories.
    He later was doing a signing, which I also attended, because I wanted him to sign the picture that was taken of me and him.
    When I got to him, he said hi and then said “Oh I remember you”. Then he signed the picture, and while he was doing this, I told him that I meant what I said at his Q&A.
    He also told me that he had not noticed my Six Mil shirt when the pic was taken, but he liked it.
    Before I left, I told him I loved him, and he said “Thanks Lucas”.
    For me, as a fan of his since I was 13 or 14, this was a perfect day.
    I was so happy.
    And he could not have been more nice and professional.
    Lee Majors is a class act.
    I also saw several other great people there I’m a fan of, including several wrestlers and a few other actors, but Lee was the reason I was there.
    Perfect day.
    I will include pics from the event, including the one of me and Lee.
    Love and Peace

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  • Blog,  Conventions

    3rd Time Around: Arnold Sports Festival 2017

    Well I didn’t get a picture or autograph, but I still saw one of my biggest heroes ever for the third time.
    Arnold Schwarzenegger!!
    I went to his annual seminar on March 5, which always happens on the last day of his 4-day Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio.
    This festival was started by Arnold and a local Ohio businessman, Jim Lorimer, in the 1970s.
    It encompasses bodybuilding, wrestling, MMA, archery, and basically any sport you can think of.
    Hundreds of thousands of people come to this each year.
    It has expanded to several other parts of the world, but its main hub is always Columbus, Ohio.
    Arnold’s seminar is the best way to actually see him.
    He appears at several events throughout the week, but with this, he sits down and tells stories about his life, career, and talks motivation.
    One of his longtime friends and former bodybuilder himself and actor, Franco Columbo, was there, too.
    He actually walked by me to get to his seat in the audience, which was cool.
    He eventually got on stage with Arnold and talked some as well, which was great.
    Arnold did say that the sequel to his movie Twins is being written. This has been in the works for sometime, so to hear him say this in a public forum was cool.
    He has a drama coming out on video next month called Aftermath, which was actually shot in Columbus. Check it out when it’s released. It looks really good.
    Arnold said all is good with his life.
    If I could be as successful and as happy as he is, even in the smallest way, then I can say I’ve done well.
    I’ve been a fan of this man since I was 8 or 9 years old (I’ll be 35 this year. The same day he turns 70. July 30th.)
    He’s still getting new fans, too.
    A boy, 9-years-old I believe, told Arnold that he is his biggest fan and asked him who would win in a fight of Terminator vs. Robocop? Arnold asked the boy “Who do you think?” The boy said “Terminator?” And Arnold said “Alright”.
    Very nice man.
    I’ll always be a fan.

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