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I Met KISS: My 8th KISS Show

Aside from seeing the original KISS lineup in 1998 and 2000 and seeing The Rolling Stones in 2015, I saw my favorite concert ever last night in Columbus Ohio.
My 8th time seeing my favorite band KISS.
But for the first time, I got my picture taken with them!
As usual with photo ops, it was fairly quick, but I got fist bumps from the band, and Paul Stanley and Tommy Thayer spoke to me and were nice. I think Eric Singer said hi and if Gene Simmons said anything, I don’t remember because my head was on cloud 9.
I met my favorite band!!!
Worth waiting for!
I actually even met their legendary manager Doc McGhee. He was nice too.
The show was out of this world. Spectacular visuals, probably the best stage set they’ve ever had. Sam The Serpent is back.
The band played a lot of songs, and contrary to what ANYONE says, they ARE NOT lip syncing.
I was watching/listening very closely and I did not see any lip syncing going on, except maybe when Eric is playing piano to Beth.
And yes Paul has occasional echo effects, but he IS singing.
So please enough with the lip syncing accusations and crappy YouTube video. Do not try to convince me otherwise. I was there. You were not!!!!
And even if Paul was, I actually don’t care because I still had fun!
Anyway, back to the show.
Great setlist. The band was very playful, to the point at the end of I believe Let Me Go Rock ‘N’ Roll, they played a little of La Bamba. Very cool!!
The band was having fun, playing great as usual, and I know it makes you haters and purists so sick, but the packed crowd at Nationwide Arena was having the time of their life.
I spoke to a guy 20 years younger than me and he said this was his first time seeing the band.
What a great first time. I also spoke to another guy and he said he and a friend of his were following the band around for some of the dates of this tour.
Why not? I applaud them.
All of these people and again everyone else, including myself, in the arena had a great Saturday night.
It’s nights like this that I live for.
Most of life I find to be annoying and stressful in a bad way.
This is one of my outlets to have fun with.
I don’t know if I’ll ever see them again, hence why I finally met them, and because financially everything is getting tougher, but if this is the last time, it was as great as the first time I saw them in 1998.
Yes the original lineup but again, no matter what the haters/purists say, this lineup and all lineups of KISS RULE!!!!!
I’m a fan of every album and every lineup.
Have I had problems with Eric and Tommy wearing Peter Criss and Ace Frehley’s makeup and costumes? Yes. Is it weird? Yes. But you know what? They’re great and the two main singer/songwriters who have ALWAYS been there, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, are still there.
Also Paul’s vocals are not flawless anymore, but he is doing the best he can (no not lip syncing but even if he is I don’t care) and you know what? He sounded pretty good to my ears. No not perfect but more than good enough.
Haters continue to hate but don’t try to change my mind because you won’t.
I won. I always win with KISS.
Anyway, yes I got a bit defensive but I’m very passionate about this band and all my other favorite bands, wrestlers, and movie/TV stars.
This is how I have fun.
No regrets.

Set List:

  1. Detroit Rock City
  2. Shout It Out Loud
  3. Deuce
  4. Say Yeah
  5. I Love It Loud
  6. Heaven’s On Fire
  7. War Machine
  8. Lick It Up
  9. Calling Dr. Love
  10. 100,000 Years (with Eric drum solo)
  11. Cold Gin (with Tommy Thayer guitar solo)
  12. Bass Solo/God Of Thunder
  13. Psycho Circus
  14. Let Me Go Rock N Roll
  15. Love Gun (Paul On B-Stage)
  16. I Was Made For Loving You (Paul On B-Stage)
  17. Black Diamond
  18. Encore: Beth
  19. Do You Love Me
  20. Rock And Roll All Nite

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