Can You Feel It?! Angel Concert Review
- Date of Concert: March 12, 2023
- Location of Concert: The Token Lounge in Westland, MI
- Openers: Larry Pascale and The New/Old
Wow what a great concert my girlfriend Mariah Startzman and I saw.
ANGEL The New/Old and Larry Pascale.
My friend Kevin Montavon and his wife Heather were there to see the show too.
Larry Pascale opened with a very rocking set.
I bought his Black And Blue CD and he signed it for me. Thank you so much!!
Then The New/Old played a loud rocking set and were quite good.
Then one of my favorite bands Angel played.
They are my pick for bands that had/have it all but for whatever reason they didn’t quite get to say the Aerosmith level of popularity.
But to me founding members Frank DiMino & Edwin Lionel Meadows and their band consisting of Danny Farrow Anniello Billy Orrico, Steve Ojane, and Charlie Calv are one of the best bands out there.
They formed in the early 70s, ended in the 80s, got back in the late 90s for a few years, then got together again as a result of Frank and Punky doing solo albums and touring together to promote those albums.
They then restarted the band and made a great album called Risen. I’m sooooo glad they’re still kicking butt.
I also can’t wait to buy their new album Once Upon A Time, out April 21st and see them again at The KING of CLUBS in August.
Angel rules.
All their albums (Angel, Helluva Band, On Earth As It Is In Heaven, White Hot, Sinful, Live Without A Net, In The Beginning, Risen, and their upcoming Once Upon A Time) are great.
As are Frank’s solo album Old Habits Die Hard and Punky’s Fallen Angel album (that’s my favorite album of 2016).
Angel Band Members:
- Frank Dimino (Lead Vocals)
- Punky Meadows (Lead Guitar)
- Danny Farrow Anniello (Rhythm Guitar)
- Charlie Calv (Keyboards)
- Steve E. Ojane (Bass)
- Billy Orrico (Drums)
Set List:
- On The Rocks
- Can You Feel It
- Mirrors
- Wild and Hot
- Bad Time
- Cast The First Stone
- The Fortune
- We Were The Wild
- Got Love If You Want It
- Don’t Leave Me Lonely
- It’s Alright
- Pressure Point
- Ain’t Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore
- Feelin’ Right
- Rock And Rollers
- The Tower
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