Album Reviews,  Blog

Dirty Honey Can’t Find The Brakes!! Album Review

Dirty Honey continue to amaze me.

They are a newer rock band that just check all the boxes for me.

They have great songs, the band is tight, great musicians (John Notto on guitar, Justin Smolian on bass, and new drummer Jaydon Bean), and the singer (Marc LaBelle) is amazing.

Their latest album, Can’t Find The Brakes!!, released on November 3rd of 2023, is one of my favorite albums of the year.

It’s perfect from start to finish.  No skipping of songs on this album.

They are one of the newer bands that I have high hopes for the future.

The legends are going to eventually be gone, so we rock fans/music fans need newer bands to keep on rocking.

Dirty Honey is one of them, in my opinion.

Great band!!!!!

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