• Album Reviews,  Blog

    Extreme “Six” Album Review

    The band Extreme are back with their first album since 2009.

    It was worth the wait.

    Musically, it’s very varied.  Lots of rock, funky songs, some acoustic songs, ballads, it’s an awesome hodgepodge of music, but yet focused.

    The band is still the original lineup (Singer Gary Cherone, Guitarist/Singer Nuno Bettencourt, and Bassist Pat Badger) except for the drummer (Kevin Figueiredo, who has been there since 2009).

    This is definitely one of my favorite albums released so far this year.

    If you’re a fan, check it out.

    And even if you’re not, check it out anyway.  You may be pleasantly surprised.

    Well done guys!!

    I hope to see you someday.

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  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Greta Van Fleet “Starcatcher” Album Review

    I first discovered Greta Van Fleet when they released their first EP From The Fires in 2017.

    At first, I thought their songs sounded like lost Led Zeppelin songs, which is not a bad thing.  In fact, they still get compared to Zeppelin all the time.

    However, once I bought all their music, I discovered they are very much a band that could have time traveled from the 70s into the present or vice versa, which again, is not a bad thing.

    They are not a Zeppelin clone or anyone’s clone.  They are just a young band with a retro sound, but again, that’s not a bad thing.  I love it.

    And their latest album, Starcatcher, is a natural follow up to all their previously released albums.

    They have remained consistent but yet are still growing.

    All the band members are brothers, except for one member, and they’ve known him forever.

    This band is still young, but I can tell you that their music is very big sounding.

    They are a phenomenal live band.  They have a big rock show and their fans are sooooo into them.  They know every word to every song and in my mind, aside from Foo Fighters, they are the biggest rock band in the world right now.

    Us rock fans need more bands like Greta Van Fleet.

    And I think we have several great ones out there now (The Struts, Dirty Honey, Mammoth WVH, Rival Sons, Lost Hearts, Classless Act, just to name a few).

    I have not been this hopeful about the future of rock maybe ever.  But I am now.

    So rock on Greta Van Fleet and keep doing what you’re doing.

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  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Dirty Honey “EP/LP” Review

    I had heard of the band Dirty Honey for awhile, but had not heard much of their music.

    I recently bought their self-titled EP and self-titled debut full length album and I must say I really like them a lot!!

    Singer Marc Labelle, Guitarist John Notto, Bassist Justin Smolian, and Drummer Corey Coverstone are everything I want in a rock band.

    Just straight up, no frills, loud, great singing and playing. 

    They are the real deal.

    I’m excited for their next album, Can’t Find The Brakes, which is out November 3, and I’ll be seeing them December 11 in Columbus, OH.

    If you’re a fan of basic hard rock bands, this is the band for you.

    Seek out their music and go see them.

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    Mammoth WVH “Mammoth II” Album Review

    Multi-Instrumentalist Wolfgang Van Halen (Bassist of the band Van Halen) has released his second Mammoth WVH solo album, called Mammoth II.

    His first solo album, Mammoth WVH, was my favorite album of the year for 2021.

    This album I think is the natural follow up.

    Aside from one guitar solo, Wolfgang plays, sings, and writes everything, like he does on his first solo album.

    He is such a phenomenal talent.

    Yes he’s a great musician, but he is a phenomenal singer/songwriter.

    He is one of the best newer artists out there today and I believe he has a great future ahead of him.

    Keep on rocking sir!!

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    The Seven Decades Tour: Jethro Tull Concert Review

    I’ve seen many concerts (I don’t know how many) in the last 25 years.

    I’ve seen most of my favorites.  However, there are still a few I have not seen.

    And Sunday night of August 20, 2023, this was another first for me.

    I finally saw Jethro Tull.

    Ian Anderson (Lead singer/Flute player/main songwriter/leader) is still putting out new albums (RokFlote came out earlier this year and I must say I really like it.), and his band are just so great.

    Some don’t like the band anymore because Ian’s vocal range is not what it used to be.  But I still think he sounds good and he’s found a range he’s comfortable with.  So I don’t have a problem with it.  He’s still giving it his all and seems to be having fun.  He’s a great performer.

    Lots of fun visuals, some good stories (Ian mentioned The Eagles’ song Hotel California as having some of the same chord changes in his song We Used To Know he wrote earlier than they did their song.  It was all in good fun, but I saw what he meant when I heard the solo.  Definitely similar.  Also, during We Used To Know, the font of the song title on the screen video looked like the Hotel California font.  Pretty funny.), and basically, everything I love about music and concerts in general.

    He and the band delivered.

    If you’re a fan, I recommend going to the show. 

    No openers, and two sets.

    Not that I meant to keep track but Set 1 started at 7:30 PM and ended at 8:20 PM.  They had a 20 minute intermission and then came back on from 8:40 PM to 9:34 PM.

    Very fun night.

    Keep on rocking Ian and the guys in Jethro Tull!!

    Jethro Tull Band Members:

    Set Lists-Set 1:

    1. Nothing Is Easy
    2. We Used To Know
    3. Heavy Horses
    4. Sweet Dream
    5. Hunt By Numbers
    6. Holly Herald
    7. Hammer on Hammer
    8. Mine is the Mountain
    9. Bourree in E Minor (Johann Sebastian Bach Cover)

    Set 2:

    1. Farm on the Freeway
    2. The Navigators
    3. Pavane in F-Sharp Minor (Gabriel Faure Cover)
    4. The Zealot Gene
    5. Dark Ages
    6. Aqualung
    7. Encore:  Locomotive Breath

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  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    My Review of “Metallica M72 World Tour Live in Cinemas” Night 1

    I went to my local theater in Ashland, Kentucky to see Night 1 of a live Metallica concert film.

    It really was live, shown in at least 2,500 theaters throughout the U.S.

    This was night 1 of 2 concerts they are doing in Dallas, TX on August 18 and August 20 of 2023 (one repeat of each show is being shown in the same theaters the following night after each one).

    The show started at 9 PM CT (10 PM ET where I was) and of course if you’re a Metallica fan, you know they are phenomenal live.

    Well, they still are phenomenal live.

    They give you everything they have and never disappoint.

    It was great seeing and hearing them on the big screen and multiple speakers.

    My only complaint is that I should have arrived at the theater shortly before 10 PM instead of 9:15 PM because I had to sit through 45 minutes of crowd shots, audio of various artists covering Metallica, and people in the live crowd doing the wave (which I hate and have never understood).  Also, music was playing over people talking in promo ads, which eventually was fixed.  And, sometimes the audio was distorted.

    Aside from that, it was great.

    I’ll be at the second night, but I’ll be at the repeat one since I’ll be seeing Jethro Tull for real in concert Sunday night of August 20.  This I find kind of funny and ironic because Jethro Tull unfortunately beat out Metallica for a Metal Grammy in the late 80s.  I say unfortunate because Jethro Tull are NOT a Metal band.  But they are a good rock band though.

    Either way, kind of funny.

    Set List:

    1. Creeping Death
    2. Harvester of Sorrow
    3. Leper Messiah
    4. King Nothing
    5. Lux Aeterna
    6. Too Far Gone?
    7. Kirk and Robert Jam/Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
    8. Shadows Follow
    9. Orion
    10. Kirk Doodle/Nothing Else Matters
    11. Sad But True
    12. The Day That Never Comes
    13. Hardwired
    14. Fuel
    15. Seek And Destroy
    16. Master of Puppets

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  • Blog,  Conventions

    Great Weekend: My time at Huntington Comic & Toy Convention 2023

    I went to the third year of the Huntington Comic & Toy Convention.  I’ve been to all three.

    It is located in Huntington, WV at Mountain Health Arena (once called the Big Sandy Superstore Arena and for many years before that, the Huntington Civic Center).

    It was founded by the owner of a great store(s) called The Inner Geek (in Ashland, KY and Huntington, WV), who also owns Lexington Comic & Toy Convention in Lexington, KY.

    Greatly run organization.

    They get great guests and vendors and have great turnouts.

    This year, they had Corey Taylor (the singer of Slipknot/Stone Sour/Solo Artist and is also an author), the CHIPs TV show cast (Larry Wilcox, Erik Estrada, and Robert Pine), Tom Kenny (Spongebob), wrestling legend Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and many more.

    I specifically was there this time to see Corey, the CHIPs cast, and Hacksaw.

    None of them disappointed.

    All very kind and gracious people.

    Corey, as popular as he is, is very chill and laid back and talks to everyone. 

    I got him to sign my favorite Slipknot CD (Volume 3 The Subliminal Verses) and when I told him that’s my favorite, he said “oh yeah there’s some good shit on there”. 

    I later got my picture taken with him.  Again, very chill and friendly.  He’s a great and talented guy.

    The CHIPs guys are so kind to everyone.  Erik especially is very engaging to everyone and funny.  Actually all of them are funny.  I got my picture taken with them on the first day and went to their Q&A the second day.

    When I was getting my picture taken with them, they all loved my Chuck Norris shirt I was wearing and were quoting it (It’s an illustration and it says America, Chuck Yeah!), and Robert Pine even said I was “bad” and “you’re the man”.  Awesome!!

    All of them were very kind and all shook my hand.  Erik even said he met Chuck at another convention the previous weekend.  We both agreed that Chuck is the best.

    The Q&A on the second day was really fun too.  Erik was a little earlier than Larry and Robert so he was already taking questions.

    So, I asked him about the CHIPs reunion movie he, Larry and Robert did in the late 90s called CHIPs 99. 

    He said he was not wild about the newest reboot that happened in 2017 (the rest of them hated it too) but Erik thought CHIPs 99 was fun. 

    He liked the story and thought it was good.  He also said he was surprised I had it because he said it was no longer available.  Well maybe it wasn’t, but it is now (you can buy it on Amazon).

    I asked Larry and Robert about CHIPs 99 too after they arrived and they both liked it too. 

    Erik talked a lot about his experiences of actually being a policeman (still is one in Virginia)  He’s very passionate about that.

    All of them talked about their favorite CHIPs episodes, about the stuff they obtained from the show when it ended (Erik got a motorcycle, Larry really did alright with cars, and Robert got the podium he used on the show and jokingly said about Larry getting all these cars, that he just got a bicycle). 

    They were asked if they watched the show in reruns ever, and for the most part, the answer was no, but that they were very grateful that they had that job and that the show was so successful.

    In fact, Erik said more than once that the show should have lasted a lot longer because it was really popular. 

    Although Larry had a funny story about watching reruns:  he asked his wife to sit down with him a few years ago and watch the show for a few minutes.  So they did and he told his wife at one point “do you want to see the hunk?”  Meaning him. Hahaha.

    I could say more but in a nutshell, they’re great people and I highly recommend meeting them someday at an event like this if you can.

    Larry shook my hand again when the Q&A was over.

    And Hacksaw is supremely kind.  I can’t say enough how kind he is, however, here is my story with him. 

    When me and another huge fan were in line to get our pictures taken with Hacksaw on the first day of the event (it runs two days), before the pictures happened, Hacksaw came right up to us and engaged with us, asked questions, and thanked us for being fans.

    He said to come and visit his table afterwards, so I did.  When I did, he asked to see our picture together and he thought it turned out great. 

    I told him that unfortunately I was out of money so I couldn’t afford anything signed, but he said that’s alright and that he wanted to sign the picture anyways.  And he did!!

    He asked if I was going to be there the second day, and I said yes.  He then said to come visit again.  So I did. 

    Nothing signed this time, but again, he was very kind and I showed him my original toy of him that I believe my Dad bought for me when I was 8 or 9, and he was impressed with how great of condition it still is. 

    I again said sorry I can’t afford anything now but he said “well I took good care of you yesterday”.  And I said yes and thanked him multiple times.

    He thanked me multiple times for being a fan of the old days of wrestling.

    And that right there is basically my experience at this year’s Huntington Comic & Toy Convention. 

    Great organization, great guests, great vendors.

    Thank you everyone.

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    Can You Feel The Spirit? Ted Nugent Concert Review

    Many people may not even read this post, but here it goes:

    I know this person is polarizing and controversial to many, but regardless of that (and I don’t disagree with those words I just said), I am a fan of Ted Nugent’s music and have been for many years.

    He has made many albums.  In the 1960s, he was guitarist of The Amboy Dukes and ultimately transitioned into being their leader/singer in the 1970s (they released quite a few albums and even had a hit with “Journey To The Center of the Mind).

    He then transitioned into being a solo artist in the mid 1970s, making several albums to this day.  He became known for such songs as Stranglehold, Hey Baby, Free For All, Cat Scratch Fever, and many more.  Many of these are still radio staples today. 

    During this time, he also was the lead guitarist of the band Damn Yankees, who made two very good albums in the 1980s and 1990s, scoring hits with the songs “High Enough”, “Coming of Age”, and “Where You Goin’ Now”.

    And let me preface what else I’m going to say with this:  I’ve always been a music fan.  However, when I became a teenager, I became a bigger music fan, and got into so many bands/artists and their discographies.  Even started going to see them, which I never thought of doing before.

    During this time, Ted Nugent was one of the artists I became aware of and I really liked his music and his over the top personality.

    Now was I aware that some of the things he said/says and believed/believes were/are controversial and offensive to some or even many?  Yes.

    But did that stop me from liking his music?  No.

    I may not agree with everything he says, but you know what?  I don’t agree with everything anyone says.  No one agrees with everyone on everything.  That’s just life.

    So having said all of that, I saw Ted Nugent in concert last night for the first time in many years (I’d seen him in 2000 and 2001) with opening band Hillbilly Vegas in support.

    Hillbilly Vegas are a rock and roll band from Oklahoma that I honestly had never heard of until recently.  But, they were pretty good.  Just fun rock and roll, which I love.  They played for 30 minutes.

    Then, 30 minutes after they were done, Uncle Ted (his nickname by fans) arrived and really rocked the house for about an hour and 35 or 40 minutes.

    Ted I believe has always been a great performer, always has a great band, and for me, the music is what always counts.  

    Again, I don’t agree with everything he says, but it doesn’t stop me from buying his albums and liking his music.

    Yes, I did not go see him for many years, but it was mainly because I was seeing sooooo many other bands/artists that I didn’t have the time.  It wasn’t because I didn’t want to see him on other tours.

    OK this is definitely one of my longest posts and I feel as if people are going to hate me because I like this man’s music or say something negative.

    I’m sorry if I offend anyone by saying that I love Ted’s music, but that’s the way it is.

    I don’t want this blog to be negative, political, or anything bad in general.

    I want this to be fun, and I’m just reporting my experiences about the things I love.

    But in short, I had a great time at the show.

    Ted always rocks and I’ll always be a fan.

    No apologies for that.

    Ted Nugent Band Members:

    Ted Nugent Set List:

    1. Star Spangled Banner (played on guitar)
    2. Gonzo
    3. Stormtroopin’
    4. Paralyzed
    5. Motor City Madhouse
    6. Free-For-All
    7. Snakeskin Cowboys
    8. Wang Dang Sweet Poontang
    9. Hey Baby
    10. I Can’t Take It
    11. Good Friends and a Bottle of Wine (featuring snippets of his instrumentals Homebound, Free Flight, Sunrize, Earthtones, Winterspring Summerfall)
    12. Fred Bear
    13. Cat Scratch Fever
    14. Stranglehold
    15. Encore:  Great White Buffalo (with some of Spirit of the Wild)

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    “Breaking The Chains” Dokken/Lynch Mob Concert Review

    I FINALLY got to see Dokken members Don Dokken (vocals) and George Lynch (guitar) together!!!!

    It wasn’t until the end of the show, but it was worth it.

    Their respective bands Dokken and Lynch Mob have been doing shows together for the past few years and this was one of them.

    I saw them in Michigan.

    Opening band was a twin brother duo called Kamenar.  One is the singer/guitarist (he has the bass playing from a pedal), and the other is the drummer.  They’re from Tampa, Florida.  All original songs, except for two covers (one of which was a song from Aerosmith’s last album, which I was impressed they did).  Pretty good rock band.  

    Then, the night really started rocking even more when Lynch Mob took the stage. 

    George has had many lineups over the years, but currently, his band includes singer Gabriel Colon (phenomenal singer), bassist Jaron Gulino, and drummer Jimmy D’Anda.

    George is one of my favorite guitarists of all time, and he is still ripping it up.  He’s got a great band and I look forward to their new album, which comes out in October, according to the singer.  It’s called Babylon.

    In fact, one new song they played went over so well that George was so blown away that he asked the crowd if they wanted to hear another new song.  They did, and so the band played another new song.  I love that.  I’m a fan that wants to hear and buy new music.  Yeah the old stuff is great, but to me, bands are supposed to make music, not just rely on the hits.  Great to see.

    They were very loud and kicked some serious butt.

    Then later on, Dokken took the stage and rocked even harder and louder.  My ears actually hurt at one point, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

    Founder/lead singer/namesake Don Dokken has a phenomenal band that includes guitarist Jon Levin, bassist Chris McCarvill, and drummer BJ Zampa.

    They played roughly an hour and 45 minutes and even though they did not play any new music, Don did talk about their upcoming album, Heaven Comes Down, which will be out in a few months.

    They really kicked butt too, and for hardcore Dokken fans like myself, as great and fun as the show was by then, the best was saved for last when George (who played guitar for Dokken for many years) came back on and played the last three songs with the band.

    As much as I wanted to see everyone, that was what I wanted to see the most. 

    I’ve been hoping to see a classic Dokken reunion (it’s happened a few times but I never got to see it) and at this point, this was as close as I’m going to get (former bassist Jeff Pilson is in the band Foreigner and drummer “Wild” Mick Brown is retired). 

    But that’s ok because I at least saw Don and George together and I have seen Jeff with Foreigner and saw Mick when he was still in Dokken.

    Don told lots of stories and he and the band seemed to have a great time.  And the fans loved every second it seemed.

    It was what a rock show is supposed to be.

    Another great one for me.

    More shows coming.

    Lynch Mob band members:

    Lynch Mob Set List:

    1. 21st Century Man
    2. River of Love
    3. For In a Million Years
    4. Hell Child
    5. Time After Time (New Song)
    6. Synner (New Song)
    7. Street Fightin’ Man
    8. Wicked Sensation

    Dokken Band Members:

    Dokken Setlist:

    1. Kiss of Death
    2. The Hunter
    3. Don’t Close Your Eyes
    4. Into The Fire
    5. Breaking The Chains
    6. Dream Warriors
    7. Just Got Lucky
    8. Alone Again
    9. Paris is Burning
    10. Too High To Fly
    11. It’s Not Love
    12. In My Dreams
    13. Unchain The Night (with George Lynch)
    14. When Heaven Comes Down (with George Lynch)
    15. Tooth and Nail (with George Lynch)

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  • Blog,  Concerts

    “We’re an American Band!” Grand Funk Railroad Concert Review

           My girlfriend Mariah (@deathbytango) and I saw the phenomenal Grand Funk Railroad last night in Akron, Ohio. This was my 3rd time seeing them and her 2nd. This is a band we’ve been able to bond over.
           I love that founding members Don Brewer (drums, vocals) and Mel Schacher (bass) are still there. And one of our favorite guitarists, Bruce Kulick, has been in the band almost 25 years now.
           Phenomenal band. Great albums and songs. You can’t go wrong. We had a great time!

    Grand Funk Railroad Band Members:

    Set List:

    1. Rock & Roll Soul
    2. Footstompin’ Music
    3. Shinin’ On
    4. Heartbreaker
    5. Locomotion
    6. Walk Like a Man
    7. Sky High
    8. Second Chance (.38 Special cover)
    9. Lightning and Thunder (Drum Circle)
    10. Star Spangled Banner Guitar Solo (By Bruce Kulick)
    11. Inside Looking Out
    12. Some Kinda Wonderful
    13. I’m Your Captain/ Closer to Home
    14. We’re an American Band

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