• Blog,  Book Reviews

    The Last Action Heroes: The Triumphs, Flops, and Feuds of Hollywood’s Kings of Carnage by Nick De Semlyen Book Review

    The Last Action Heroes:  The Triumphs, Flops, and Feuds of Hollywood’s Kings of Carnage is a great book about movie action heroes of the 70s, 80s and 90s.

    Released in 2023, Nick De Semlyen has written a very good book about a few of the biggest action heroes of all time.

    The action heroes included in this book are Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan, Dolph Lundgren, Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, and Bruce Willis.

    Each star has some of their history chronicled throughout the book, and some even overlap because some of them worked together at certain points in time.

    Lots of great stories here.

    If you are a fan of these stars, like I am, then I highly recommend this book.

  • Blog,  Book Reviews

    Randy Bachman’s Vinyl Tap Stories Book Review

    Singer/songwriter/guitarist Randy Bachman has released three books.

    Randy Bachman’s Vinyl Tap Stories is one of them.

    This was released in 2011 and chronicles some of Randy’s stories of working with The Guess Who, Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO for short), and working with several other musicians and just life stories.

    All of these stories and more he has told on his successful radio show/podcast Vinyl Tap, which lasted from 2005 to 2023.

    Randy has tons of fun music stories, and I highly recommend reading this book.