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    Mark Farner Rock ‘N Roll Soul Live 1989 CD/DVD Review

    Mark Farner (Grand Funk Railroad singer/songwriter/guitarist) performed at a show in 1989 celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Woodstock festival.

    This was filmed and recorded, but was never released until 2023.

    This is the video and audio of Mark’s set.

    Mark and his band at the time played several Grand Funk Railroad songs, as well as some of Mark’s solo songs.

    Great, rocking, really live show.

    Thanks Mark for signing this too.

    Keep on rocking sir!!

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    Dolly Parton Rockstar Album Review

    Superstar Dolly Parton’s new album, Rockstar, was released on November 17, 2023.

    This is her first true rock album.

    It is a double album that includes 9 new original songs, plus 21 cover songs.

    Several other famous singers/musicians are on this album.  Some of whom appear on their songs that Dolly covered, as well as some on her new songs.

    I really like the whole album.

    I love hearing my hero Rob Halford of Judas Priest singing with Dolly on one of her new songs Bygones.  And Nikki Sixx and John 5 of Motley Crue are playing bass and guitar, respectively, on it.

    Michael McDonald of The Doobie Brothers and solo fame is on one of her new songs called Bittersweet.

    The last of The Beatles (Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr) appear on her cover of Let It Be, along with Peter Frampton and Mick Fleetwood.

    Frampton also appears on her cover of his song Baby I Love Your Way.

    I really like her versions of Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin), Purple Rain (Prince), Magic Man (Heart cover with Heart singer Ann Wilson), Night Moves (Bob Seger cover w/Chris Stapleton), Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me (Elton John cover also featuring Elton), Long As I Can See The Light (Creedence Clearwater Revival cover featuring John Fogerty of CCR), and really everything else.

    Her original I Dreamed About Elvis is fun.

    Again, I really like this album.

    It’s fun.  It rocks.  It’s emotional.  It’s just great songs.

    I’m glad Dolly made this album.

    Thank you for it.


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    KK’s Priest The Sinner Rides Again Album Review

    Guitarist K.K. Downing (formerly of Judas Priest) has released his second album with his band KK’s Priest.

    It is called The Sinner Rides Again, released on September 29 of 2023.

    The band includes singer Tim “Ripper” Owens (also formerly of Judas Priest from 1996 to 2003 when classic singer Rob Halford was not in the band), co-guitarist A.J. Mills, bassist Tony Newton, and drummer Sean Elg.

    Honestly, I was not a fan of this album when I first bought it.

    I liked the first album, Sermons of the Sinner, but this album I was not into at all.

    I thought everything sounded great, sound wise, but I just was not wild about the songs at all for some reason.

    But after a few listens, it has grown on me and I’m digging it now.

    All of the instrumentation, the vocals, and the production and mix are very good.

    Tim has always been an amazing singer and I’m glad he and KK are working together again.

    It’s a SUPER Heavy Metal album for sure.

    I’m glad K.K. is playing again, has a very good band, and I would like to see them in concert if they play in America someday.

    However, I will also say this:  I’m TIRED of reading interviews where K.K. is complaining about not being in Judas Priest anymore.

    OK I know this happens all the time.  A band member is fired or quits a band and they air their grievances in public, on both sides usually.

    And I know he’s answering the question(s) he’s being asked by interviewers, which is fair enough, but I am beyond tired of reading about him complaining and wishing he was still in the band.

    He QUIT!!!!!

    He has a very good band now and should focus on that, in my opinion.

    Yes I’m a HUGE Judas Priest fan and KK, along with guitarist Glenn Tipton, will always be my favorite guitar duo of all time.

    And I would welcome K.K.’s return to the band, but until then, I wish he would just focus on this band that he has now.

    That’s all.

    Again, this is a Heavy Metal album and I love Heavy Metal.

    Having said that, though, this one had to grow on me.

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    The Rolling Stones Hackney Diamonds Album Review

    “The Greatest Rock And Roll Band In The World” (true), The Rolling Stones, are back with their first studio album of all new material since 2005.

    It is called Hackney Diamonds, released on October 27 of 2023.

    They’ve put out a few new songs since 2005, and released a great album of blues covers in 2016, but again, this is the first full on new album since 2005.

    Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Ronnie Wood are still rocking better than anyone, in my opinion.

    These songs can be put alongside all the other classic Stones songs and fit well with them.

    Many guests are on this album too.  Sir Paul McCartney plays bass on one song, Lady Gaga sings with Mick on one song and Stevie Wonder plays on that very same song.  Sir Elton John plays piano on two songs too.

    Classic Members Charlie Watts (RIP) is the drummer on two songs, and classic bassist Bill Wyman plays on one of those same songs!!

    I miss Charlie.  He’s my favorite drummer, and I honestly thought the guys would call it a day when he passed a few years ago.

    But they didn’t and I’m glad they didn’t.

    The Rolling Stones have been around since 1962.  No band that I’m aware of has been around for that long.

    This band never broke up.

    People have made fun of their ages for decades (yes they’re old) but guess what?  They’re still better than every band on the planet, as far as I’m concerned.

    I saw them in 2015 and of all the shows I’ve seen and will see, no show will ever top that night for me.

    And again with this new album, Hackney Diamonds, they have certainly carved out several more diamonds, if you will, for us to enjoy.

    I’ve loved this band since I was a little kid and I always will.

    And I’m sooooooooo glad they’re still here to rock our socks off.

    And this is my album of the year for 2023.  There have been many great albums released this year, but this is my favorite for sure.

    Check it out.

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    Lynch Mob Babylon Album Review

    Guitarist extraordinaire George Lynch and his band Lynch Mob are back with, dare I say it, their best album and best band lineup ever.

    It was released on October 20 of 2023.

    George is always making music, putting out albums under different monikers and different people, and has had many lineups of Lynch Mob since starting the band after Dokken’s (the band he was in during the 80s and for the latter part of the 90s for their reunion, and occasionally since then) demise in the 80s.

    But I’m telling you this may be the best band lineup he’s ever had outside of Dokken.

    Along with George on guitar, the band includes singer Gabriel Colon, bassist Jaron Gulino, and drummer Jimmy D’Anda.

    I saw this band earlier this year (with Dokken actually, George played with them too for the last 3 songs of their set) and I can say that on stage and on album, WOW!!!!

    Just rocking the entire time.

    In fact, the band played two songs from this album at this show, which was not yet released.

    They played two songs because one went down sooooo well with the crowd that the band, and especially George, was shocked, and he asked the crowd if they wanted to hear more new stuff, and they applauded.

    I did not see people walking out, getting beer and nachos, as I often see people do at shows when a song they don’t know or care about is playing.  They stuck around and loved it.

    Which I hate by the way when people walk out.

    If you don’t like it fine or seriously need to go to the restroom or eat, fine.  But when I go to a show, I want to hear the music.  Old songs and new songs, if they got them.

    I’m not there to drink and eat nachos, hot dogs, etc.

    I’m there to ROCK!!!!

    Anyway, this band, as is, is AWESOME!!

    This album is AWESOME!!

    Check it out.

    And they will be touring in 2024, so go see them if you can.

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    Paul Rodgers Midnight Rose Album Review

    One of the greatest singers ever, Paul Rodgers, is back with another great album called Midnight Rose.

    It was released on September 22 of 2023.

    This is Paul’s first studio album in quite a few years, and even though he had some very bad health issues (several strokes and actually could not speak or sing at one point), he is back better than ever and singing like he always has, which is perfect, in my opinion.

    I know there’s no such thing as perfection, but to me, his voice is perfection.

    Always has been since he sang in the band Free in the 60s/70s, then Bad Company, The Firm, Queen + Paul Rodger, everything he’s ever sung.

    He continues to write great songs, as evidenced by this album, and can sing the phone book, as far as I’m concerned, and it would sound perfect.

    This album also has great packaging, including several awesome pictures and anecdotes and liner notes (Pictures below).

    I’m most and foremost glad that Paul is doing well now since his scary health battles, but I’m also glad that he bestowed upon us another awesome album of great songs.

    Thank you Paul and shame on the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame for still not inducting him.

    Paul is the best!!

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    Metal Church Congregation of Annihilation Album Review

    Metal Church have returned with a phenomenal new album.

    It is called Congregation of Annihilation.

    This is their 13th studio album, released on May 26 of 2023.

    Founding guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof, along with longtime members Rick Van Zandt (Lead Guitar), Steve Unger (Bass and Backing Vocals), Stet Howland (Drums), and newest member Marc Lopes (Lead Vocals) have released a very heavy, thrashy, rocking album.

    The band sounds super tight and the vocals are just awesome.

    Pure and simple.

    If you’re a fan of Heavy Metal and Thrash Metal, this is the album for you.


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    Vandenberg Sin Album Review

    Guitarist Adrian Vandenberg is back with a new studio album called Sin under his name Vandenberg.

    This is his 5th studio album under the name Vandenberg (released on August 25 of 2023), but he is not a new artist by any means.

    He has been around for over 40 years, and is also famous for playing in the band Whitesnake during their peak years in the late 80s and 90s.

    His last album, called 2020, is absolutely phenomenal, and I think this album, again called Sin, is just as phenomenal or better even.

    It actually reminds me of a Whitesnake album, which is not a bad thing.

    His band on this album includes singer Mats Leven, bassist Randy Van Der Elsen, and drummer Koen Herfst.

    They are a killer band and I’m telling you, it’s canny that Mats Leven’s voice sounds very similar to Whitesnake’s David Coverdale.

    Again, not a bad thing.

    And of course, the star of the show, Adrian Vandenberg, continues to shine with his awesome guitar playing.

    Not a bad song on this album.

    I’m seeing this band in March of 2024 and I cannot wait.

    If you’re a Vandenberg fan, fan of guitar playing, or just a rock fan in general, check out this album.

    You will not be disappointed.

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    Dokken Heaven Comes Down Album Review

    Dokken has been one of my favorite bands for over 20 years and I’ve always bought their albums.

    Heaven Comes Down is Dokken’s 12th studio album, released on October 27 of 2023.

    Lead Singer/namesake Don Dokken is the only classic member left in the band, but he has a killer band.

    Jon Levin has been the guitarist for a little more than 20 years and plays very much like classic guitarist George Lynch.

    Bassist Chris McCarvill is a monster player and great on stage.

    Drummer BJ Zampa is also a monster drummer, and plays “Wild” Mick Brown’s parts very well.

    I’m honest here so I’ll say Don’s voice is not what it used to be, but he’s still singing the best he can and having a great time.

    His voice sounds good on the album, but if you’re expecting him to sound the way he did in the 80s, then you may be disappointed.

    I’ve admitted like others that maybe Don should hang it up, but now I don’t.

    I saw he and the band earlier this year and they were having a great time, and the fans loved every second of it.

    So, keep on rocking Don!!

    Anyway, back to the album.

    I’m glad this album was made.

    The last Dokken album, Broken Bones, was released in 2012 and was supposed to be the last album at the time.

    Luckily, it wasn’t.

    If you’re a Dokken fan, you should enjoy this.

    Even with Don’s lower vocal register, he still has the voice for these songs, and the band is just super strong.

    Lots of guitar, bass, and drums on this.

    A couple of lighter songs, but mostly rocking stuff.

    My favorite lighter song is the last song on the album called Santa Fe.

    It’s about Don’s life actually, and about him moving away from LA to Santa Fe.

    Really cool song to end this mostly rocking album.

    If you’re a Dokken fan, give it a shot.

    Even if you’re not a fan, but a fan of good hard, melodic rock, check it out and maybe you’ll become a fan.

    I’m glad Don is still going and whether this is the last Dokken album or not, I’m glad it got made and released.

    See, I love new music from my favorite bands/artists.

    I don’t just live in the past with the hits.

    I want to hear new stuff from them.

    I welcome it.

    And I certainly welcome this album and will listen to it many times over the course of my life, along with all the other great Dokken albums.

    I’m Rockin’ with Dokken forever.

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    New Single by The Rolling Stones, Album Out October 20!!

    The Greatest Rock And Roll Band In The World, The Rolling Stones, are putting out a new album!!

    It is called Hackney Diamonds, out October 20.

    The new single and video, Angry, is out as of September 6.

    The band, which includes Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Ronnie Wood, had a worldwide press conference event moderated by Jimmy Fallon in London announcing the album and single.

    Mick said that most of the album was recorded in December of 2022 and January of 2023 and mixed in February of 2023.

    23 songs were recorded, two albums worth of material so hopefully another album will come out sooner than later.

    12 songs on this album, though.  Two of which feature their amazing drummer Charlie Watts (RIP sir!!) that were recorded in 2019.

    Also, Bassist Bill Wyman, who was in the band for a little more than 30 years, is on one of the songs Charlie played on, so that will be awesome!!!!!

    The single Angry is a classic sounding Stones song.

    Great riff, cool vocals, and it’s The Rolling Stones.  What more can you ask for?

    I can’t wait to buy this album.

    They’ve put out songs in the last decade, even a blues cover album in 2016, but not a full on new material album since 2005.  But hey, they’ve been busy.

    I’ve been a fan since I was a little kid listening to them on the radio and seeing them in concert in 2015 will forever be the greatest night of my life.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever top that for me.

    I love these guys and I’m soooooooooooooooo glad they never stopped and are still making new music and touring.

    They truly are the best.

    Keep on rocking guys!!!!!