• Blog,  Movie Reviews

    The Beekeeper Movie Review

    I finally saw the movie The Beekeeper in theaters.

    It is the latest Jason Statham movie.

    I was late getting into his movies (The Expendables was the first that really got me hooked.), but once I did, I became an instant fan.

    I own most of his movies and like them all.  Some more than others, but that’s with anything.

    I think The Beekeeper is one of his best.

    It is a very satisfying action movie.

    He plays a retired “beekeeper”, which is a very off the grid agent that keeps things balanced.

    In the movie, he literally is a beekeeper working on this woman’s farm, when he later finds her dead of a suicide.

    As it turns out, she was conned out of all her money by a computer call in company.

    Statham spends the movie going after this company, companies like it, and the people involved the best way he knows how.

    Again, a very satisfying action movie.

    I really enjoyed it.

    I grew up on movies like this so I always have time for a great action movie.

    Way to go Statham!!

  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    (Riley’s) L.A. Guns Renegades Album Review

    Frist off, I LOVE this album.

    Now, long story.

    This album was released November 13 of 2020 as L.A. Guns, but since there was a lawsuit between Drummer Steve Riley (of this band) and other members Phil Lewis (vocals) and Tracii Guns (guitarist), Steve ended up changing the name of the band to Riley’s L.A. Guns (hence why I put Riley’s in parenthesis in the title of this review) so Phil and Tracii could be L.A. Guns.

    Confusing I know.

    Anyway, I did not give this album the time of day at first because even though I love everybody, especially Steve, I was all about Phil and Tracii having the name and they were putting out phenomenal L.A. Guns albums (and still are) without Steve. 

    And in the last several years, it has unfortunately become a thing of bands splitting but members using the same name for their version of the band.

    It’s happened with L.A. Guns, Queensryche, RATT, just to name a few.

    I wish everyone could just get along and/or use different names, but that’s not how life works.

    Anyway, long story dragged on longer, it took me awhile to give this album a listen.

    But once I did, I LOVED it.

    Steve, along with classic L.A. Guns bassist and songwriter Kelly Nickels (writer of their biggest hit The Ballad of Jayne) got together with singer/guitarist Kurt Frohlich and guitarist Scott Griffin (who actually was L.A. Guns’ bassist for awhile when Phil and Steve were still in the band together while Tracii was out) and made this AWESOME rock album called Renegades.

    I cannot say enough about this album.

    Since buying it on CD, I have played it SEVERAL times.

    I love it every time.

    Great songs.

    I am sooooooooooo glad I gave this album a chance.

    I’m sorry the lawsuit happened and the band name got split into two bands, but I support both and love both.

    So regardless of the band name, I see it as two great bands and I am allowed to love both.

    And I do.

    Thank you guys for making this AMAZING album.

    When I saw them live in 2023 (review here) and was lucky enough to meet them (sadly Kelly was not there), I told them how much I loved this album and they greatly appreciated it and signed it for me.

    Thank you so much!!!!

    Sadly, a few months after I saw the band, Steve passed away.

    They made another PHENOMENAL album before Steve passed called The Dark Horse (review here), and it was released January 22 of 2024 on Steve’s birthday.

    Again, I’m sorry that all the bad things happened, most especially Steve passing away, but thank goodness we have the music.

    And this music is great!!!

    Give it a listen.

  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Riley’s L.A. Guns The Dark Horse Album Review

    The second album by Riley’s L.A. Guns was released on Monday January 22 of 2024.

    Drummer Steve Riley’s (RIP) birthday.

    This album was recorded awhile ago while Steve was still with us.

    Like their first album called Renegades as this lineup (Steve on drums, bassist Kelly Nickels, singer/guitarist Kurt Frohlich, and guitarist Scott Griffin), the band again made a very ROCKING album.

    I preordered the CD but went ahead and bought it on ITunes so I could go ahead and start playing it.

    I’m glad I did because I cannot stop listening to it.

    All the songs are great.

    It’s a perfect album.

    Sadly, though, I’m guessing this is the last album as this band, since Steve is now gone, and I’m guessing they are not carrying on without him.

    But I am glad they got to be together while they were and made two AMAZING albums and were a great live band too.

    Check out this album and Renegades.

    You won’t regret it.

    Rest In Peace Steve!!!!  I love you and thank you for the music and your kindness!!!!

  • Blog,  Book Reviews

    Bob Dylan The Philosophy of Modern Song Book Review

    Singer/Songwriter/Musician/Pulitzer Prize Winner Bob Dylan released his second book (his autobiography Chronicles Volume 1 was released October 3 of 2005) November 1 of 2022.

    Unlike his autobiography, this book is Dylan’s interpretation/examination/opinions on a list of several songs from throughout history.

    He gives his thoughts on songs by Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash, The Clash, Elvis Costello, Rosemary Clooney, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, and several others.

    His descriptions of some of these songs are as detailed or more detailed than the actual songs themselves.

    He really dove in on these songs.

    Some of his thoughts are deep and heavy, but some of his thoughts are even funny.

    It is a fascinating book, extremely well written by Dylan, and I recommend it.

  • Album Reviews,  Blog

    Jack Russell/Tracii Guns Medusa Album Review

    Here is my first album review for 2024.

    Jack Russell (Lead Singer of Great White/Jack Russell’s Great White) and Tracii Guns (Guitarist of L.A. Guns) collaborated on an album called Medusa.

    It was released on Friday, January 12 of 2024.

    If you are a fan of both their work in their other bands, you will love this.

    Jack’s great vocals and Tracii’s great playing, backed by very good musicians, make up a very rocking album.

    This was released by Frontiers Records, who release a lot of albums, and often put musicians together that usually don’t or have ever worked together in a situation where they do work together.

    Check out this album.  Every song is very good and the album Rocks!!

  • Blog,  Concerts

    I FINALLY Saw My First Celebrity Crush in Concert!! Madonna Concert Review

    • Date of Concert:  Monday, January 15, 2024
    • Location of Concert:  Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, Michigan

    I have been a fan of Madonna since I was 7 years old, when I saw her in the movie Dick Tracy in the theater in 1990.

    She was my first celebrity crush and I have never stopped being a fan.

    I really like most of her albums and videos, (she still sings great) but I never saw her in concert.

    Until now!!

    I saw her in her hometown of Detroit.

    She puts on quite a show, with tons of songs from throughout her career, lots of costume changes, dance routines with other dancers, and she had a lot to say.

    She told stories about her parents.  Her Dad was with her at the show and she said that he taught her hard work and said that “if you think I’m a warrior, you can thank my Dad”.  And she said she hopes he is proud of her. 

    She talked about her Mom (she was pictured during part of the show) and how she’s with her all the time.  She also said she is proud to be a Mom (two of her daughters were part of the show, one playing piano, the other doing a fashion show walk) and thanked all the hard working Moms out there. 

    She talked about how she persevered when she had nothing and ultimately made it because of hard work.

    And she thanked all of the fans for sticking by her all of these years.  I’m happy to be one of those supporters.

    This tour literally is a celebration of her over 40 year career, spanning most of it in various songs, dance/show routines, videos, stage clothes, the works.

    She has always been great, in my opinion.  A couple of albums I don’t love, but I love most of them and even the ones I don’t love have good songs on them too.

    As you’ll see by the pictures and videos I took below are not great because my seat was not the best.  There was a piece of stage in the way of my view, but I still enjoyed the show and am very glad I FINALLY saw “The Queen of Pop”.

    A DJ opened the show and Special Guest Bob The Drag Queen (a.k.a. Caldwell Tidicue) appeared several times throughout the show as well.

    She puts everything she has into the show and in her career.  Always has and always will.

    I know she is considered controversial at times, but I’ve always been a fan.  I know I keep saying that but I mean it.

    I think her music is great.  I’ve always thought she was and is beautiful.  She’s made some good movies too like Dick Tracy, A League Of Their Own, Evita, just to name a few.

    This was a big bucket list concert for me.  

    Thank you Madonna for everything.

    You are loved by me and the world over.

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  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    The Garden Movie Review

    The Garden is about a young boy, who has bad dreams, cuts himself, and was just released from a mental hospital.

    His dad, who has partial custody of him and is an alcoholic, comes to pick his son up to take him back to his mom’s house, only to get involved in a car accident, going over a hill.  No he was not drunk driving.

    A man (played by Lance Henriksen) gets them to safety and takes them back to his farm. 

    Spoiler alert:  Everything that happens after this is very interesting.  Lance turns out to be the Devil in disguise (Lance does a phenomenal job as always), and he is tempting the boy’s dad by giving him a job on the farm, giving him drinks, and wants him to pick from a tree, which by all intents and purposes, is a tree just like in The Bible in the Garden of Eden.

    The boy figures this out and has to fight Lance and try to save his dad.

    I really enjoyed this movie a lot.

    Sean Young plays the boy’s teacher in it and is very good.

    It’s an excellent modern day telling of the Garden of Eden story, basically, but with a Twilight Zone type feel and twist to it.

    I love this movie and highly recommend it.

    Five stars!!

  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    The History of Metal and Horror Documentary/Movie Review

    I am a HUGE fan of Metal music.

    I am also now a Horror movie fan.

    So when I found out about this, I wanted to see it.

    Unlike most documentaries, which it definitely is a documentary, it also has a little movie wrapped around and within it, which I found very interesting.

    It starts off with a guy walking the streets and finding these old tapes and guitar and goes back to seemingly where he lives.

    It turns out he is the last survivor on Earth.

    He tries out these tapes, one of which is about the history of Heavy Metal and one is about Horror. 

    They don’t work unless he plays them together.  So when he does, a man (played by Michael Berryman) comes on the screen and starts talking about Metal and Horror and throughout this, many music and Horror movie people (Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper, Scott Ian, Marky Ramone, Phil Anselmo, Kane Hodder, Corey Taylor, John Carpenter, Dave Mustaine, some of the band GWAR, Boris Karloff’s daughter Sara, Nick Castle, Tom Savini, Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein, and many more) talk about Metal and Horror.

    Other than the movie parts, it’s essentially a documentary, but it’s well done, giving both subjects more or less equal time and the movie parts are pretty cool I think.

    If you are a fan of either genre or both, then I highly recommend watching this.

  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    Trick or Treat (1986) Movie Review

    This movie is about a high school kid named Eddie Weinbauer (Marc Price) that is bullied (sadly I can relate) but he’s also a hard rock/heavy metal music fan (I can happily relate).  

    His biggest musical hero is a fictional rock star named Sammi Curr (Tony Fields), who ends up dying in a hotel fire.  However, he leaves behind one more recording that a DJ named Nuke (Gene Simmons of KISS) is going to play at midnight on Halloween.

    Eddie just happens to be a friend of Nuke’s and so he gives Eddie a copy of this recording to listen to before the broadcast.

    Well, spoiler alert:  when the record is played backwards, Sammi Curr is actually speaking to Eddie telling him things like how to exact revenge on the people bullying him and how he is going to wreak havoc on the town. 

    Sammi ends up coming back alive with supernatural powers and causes trouble, to say the least.

    One of my great friends let me borrow this movie many years ago because two of our mutual favorite singers/musicians, Gene Simmons of KISS and Ozzy Osbourne, were in it.

    Judging by the DVD box, it looks like they are the leads in it.

    Misleading because they are barely in it.

    Still, I wanted to check it out.

    It took me until recently to finally buy it because frankly, I just wasn’t wild about it when I initially watched it.

    But since I’ve slowly become a horror movie fan, I wanted to give it another watch, and this time, I enjoyed it more.

    It’s just a fun low budget horror movie, and being such a music fan, I love seeing all the cool posters the lead has in his room, and seeing Gene and Ozzy in a movie is always cool in my book.

    And Ozzy is hilarious because he’s playing a Reverend on a TV screen saying that Heavy Metal is bad for the kids.  Considering Ozzy is one of the creators of it with his band Black Sabbath and that he was attacked for subliminal messages (not true), I find this so ironic and hilarious.

    And Gene is cool as the DJ Nuke.

    Speaking of messages, this movie touches on what was going on in the 1980s when music like metal was considered bad for kids, which I disagree with wholeheartedly.

    It’s music just like any other form.  You either like it or you don’t.  I happen to love it and always will.

    Charles Martin Smith (Toad in the American Graffiti movies, one of The Untouchables in that movie, and many more projects) directed this movie and has a brief part in it during a high school dance scene.

    OK in short, I enjoyed this movie, and if you are a hard rock/metal fan like I am, or just want to see a fun horror movie, then this is for you.

    It’s nothing super special, but it’s fun.

  • Blog,  Movie Reviews

    Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III Movie Review

    I’ve never been a big fan of horror movies.

    However, I’ve really liked the old 50s horror movies and the Halloween franchise for a long time, but not really any other movies.

    But for some reason, I’ve warmed up to the idea of checking some more horror movies out in the last few years.

    This includes the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, Friday the 13th movies, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies.

    I’m still discovering these, and for the most part, I’ve enjoyed them.

    I have yet to watch all of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, but I will.

    I’ve only seen the first 3 (reviews of 1 and 2 are here) and here is my review of the 3rd movie.

    I heard that this movie was not that great and that a lot of editing was done to this movie.

    But after seeing the Unrated version (I did not watch the Theatrical version because it seemed to just be shorter.) I enjoyed it.

    It was more serious in tone than the 2nd one and seemed to try to get back to more of how the first movie is.

    None of these I’m sure will have the legacy or impact the first one has, but again, I enjoyed this.

    If you’re a fan of 1 and/or 2, you should see this.

    Again, I don’t know why I’m becoming a horror movie fan, but I am.

    I look forward to discovering more.